Page 57 of Lex

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When he hesitates, I roll my eyes. “You licked my cum off your fingers last night, and I have excellent dental hygiene.”

He huffs out a laugh and then proceeds to brush his teeth. I watch it all in exaggerated detail.

When he’s finished rinsing out his mouth, he moves toward me, wrapping me in his strong arms and pressing gentle kisses to my collarbones.

My heart just melts in my chest. Stupid ice cream heart.

“I have to take care of some things this morning,” I say, threading my fingers through his hair and tugging on it softly to pull his face up to mine. “And then after work, come over. I am going to do things to you, William. We have some more things we need to practice to get them absolutely perfect.”

He glances up at me and I smirk back at him. He has no idea what’s in store for him.

I have plans. Big ones. I’m going to work him up to it nice and slow.

“I’m going to the gym for a bit after work and then…can we grab dinner first?” he asks, and I wet my lips because if it were up to me, I’d eat him for the main course.

“Of course, love.”

And when our lips meet, he tastes like a York Peppermint Patty.

* * *

It was harder to leave William than I expected. I’ve never had that problem before. Usually, I can’t get away fast enough. But of course, everything with William is different.

We kissed for an exorbitant amount of time in the parking garage before wrenching our lips away from each other. Neither of us wanted to leave.

I’m not even mad about it.

Now I’m currently outside of Susana’s apartment, waiting for Diablo to arrive. I glance at my phone and roll my eyes.

Always fucking late.

So inconsiderate of my time.

Plus, the heat. It’s so fucking hot and it’s only nine o’clock.

He does this on purpose, I guarantee it. He probably looked at the weather report and cackled.

A minute later, I hear the scraping of his car as it comes around the corner. This kid refuses to give up this hunk of decaying metal. It’s as old as dirt and barely runs, but he is a fucking stubborn asshole.

It jerks and comes to a sputtering stop in front of me and I stare in exasperation at the sky.

Why, oh why am I friends with this heathen?

“Your family is as rich as fuck and here you are, driving the car equivalent of a rotting zombie,” I mutter when Diablo pops out of the front seat. He’s small, and despite being close to my age, looks like a prepubescent teen. He’s wearing a baggy shirt and oversized pants that are so long they pool around his sneakers. His hair is a bit of a mess and, I lean forward, is that food on his cheek?

He could do with a makeover. And a shower.

Still, even though he’s a hot mess, I’d never mess with him.

Speaking of people you shouldn’t mess with, a behemoth exits the passenger side of the car and the vehicle actually squeaks and shakes as this man steps out.

As he stands silently facing us with his arms crossed, I notice his clean-cut, dirty-blond hair, short beard, and green eyes, but my eyes are immediately drawn to his massive biceps. They’re thicker than my waist.

Jesus, this man must be some kind of genetic impossibility. Was he created in a lab? Is he some kind of government weapon?

“Who the fuck is this?” I ask, waving my hand at the towering giant next to me, because I sure as fuck haven’t seen him before. I would have noticed.

“This is Skylar. My dad insisted he come along,” Diablo says with an exasperated huff. “Apparently there are issues in thefamily.So, I’m saddled with this orc for a few days.”
