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“You know why I left.”

“Pfft, ridiculous. That girl’s death had nothing to do with you. And if you had to leave, why didn’t you take the job your father offered you at New York-Presbyterian?”

Her death had nothing to do with him? It had everything to do with him. The guilt still ate away at him.

“Father worked at Wishingbone hospital for several years,” he couldn’t help but point out.

“He was the CEO, Xavier. Not a regular old doctor.”


“And it was dreadful, living in that horrid little town. The only reason we didn’t move sooner is because of your schooling. Despite it being such a strange place, the quality of the education was impressive.”

High praise from Marigold Marson.

“Mother, I’m sorry but I really don’t have time to come home.” Not that he actually considered the apartment they owned in Manhattan to be home.

Home was here, in Wishingbone. With his friends.

“Xavier, I think you best come see me.”

Her tone of voice had him freezing. She sounded almost distressed.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’ve found a lump, Xavier.”

“A lump? In your breast?”

“Xavier!” she said in a shocked voice.

He ran his hand over his face tiredly. “Mother, I’m a doctor.”

“Yes, but you’re also my son. There’s no need to talk about breasts in front of me.”

Lord, give him strength.

“What has your doctor said about the lump?” he asked urgently. “Have they done a biopsy?”

“I’m too scared to go,” his mother whispered.

“Mother, you have to go.”

“But they’ll insist on examining me.”

“Mother, please. Get father to take you. To examine you. He’s a doctor.”

“But he’s not my doctor.”

“Then please go to your doctor,” he pleaded.

“Will you come home, Xavier? To take me? Please?”

He let out a deep breath. Then he glanced back at the doorway leading to the bedroom. He didn’t want to leave Juliet.

But if his mother had cancer . . .

“Make the doctor’s appointment for Monday. I’ll get a flight out when I can.” His phone started buzzing in his ear with another incoming call.

“Good. I knew you would come. I will see you then.”

He blinked as she abruptly ended the call. But it was just as well since he saw he’d missed a call from the hospital.

After checking in to find one of his patients wasn’t doing well, he checked on Juliet one last time.

He brushed his fingers down her cheek. He hated leaving her like this, but knew she would understand. He sent her a quick text to explain

Then before he could convince himself to linger longer, he left.

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