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Yep. That did the job. Until Juliet shifted in his lap, wrapping herself around him like a baby monkey climbing to its mama.

“What’s going on?” he asked her.

“Panic attack,” she said quietly. Juliet only spoke to people she knew well and trusted. And if there were other people around, she’d only whisper.

“Okay, baby. Want to tell me why?” The need to demand that she tell him was on the tip of his tongue, pressing its way free.


She shook her head and sniffled. So, he ran his hand up and down her back until she settled into him, her body growing heavier.

“You need a nap.” He was pretty sure that she didn’t get enough sleep, and he hated how pale she was. But getting her to come to him or another doctor for a check-up was impossible. Standing, he placed one hand under her ass, holding her to his chest.

Fuck, she was far too light.

This girl needed a keeper.

But not you, dickhead.

Her enormous bed took up one corner. It was only set about half a foot off the floor. It had a lacy black duvet cover on it. Around all four sides was a railing like you might find on a baby’s cot. There was a small opening where she could climb in and out.

Leaning over the railing, he gently put her on her side on the mattress. Then he arranged the weighted blanket over her.

What now? He’d never put her down to nap before. What did she need? He searched through her drawers, coming across her panties.

Standing, he looked around as though searching for some sort of sign. A sucking noise had him turning back to the bed to find she was already asleep, a pacifier in her mouth which was attached to a soft-looking blanket. Okay, that must have been tucked under the pillow. Both of her hands were under the weighted blanket, so at least they’d be warm.

He quickly put her panties away because he really didn’t want her to wake up and see him holding her panties like a creeper.

Grabbing a bottle of water out of the small fridge in the playroom, he walked back into the bedroom with it, setting it down next to the bed.

She looked so cute lying there. He wanted to just sit here and watch her.

But that was kind of creepy.

His phone buzzed and he drew it out. Christ.

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. If he didn’t answer, it would make things worse. She’d keep calling and calling.

Moving out of the bedroom, he shut the door and walked over to the window before answering.

“Hello, mother.”

“Xavier. It took you long enough to answer. I thought I was going to be sent to your voicemail. You know I don’t like leaving messages.”

Right. He knew. Because she told him often enough.

“My apologies.”

“I’m calling because I want you to come visit.”

Of course she did.

“I’m sorry, Mother. I’m very busy at work.” He actually had a few days off, but he didn’t intend to tell her that. He thought he might spend some time with Juliet, since she obviously wasn’t doing well.

“I’m sure someone could take your shift for you. It isn’t like much ever happens in that sleepy hospital. You should never have left your job at Massachusetts General. Think about how far ahead in your career you could be if you’d stayed.”

He pinched the top of his nose.

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