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“I wonder where Daddy is? He’s meant to be bringing up lunch, and I want to show him Wavey.”

“I asked him if he’d mind me taking you on a picnic instead. I don’t have to be back on shift until three.”

“Yay! I loves picnics.” She clapped her hands. “Can I take my paints and easel? I want to paint you a picture.”

“I would love that, Twink,” he replied, kissing her forehead. “Let’s gather up your stuff and I’ll carry it downstairs for you.”

“I should change my clothes,” she said hesitantly.

“No,” he told her firmly. “You look gorgeous the way you are.”

While she didn’t look completely convinced, she did nod. Then she snapped her fingers. “Oh, wait. Angelique is in time-out for being naughty.”

“What did she do this time?” he asked, well-versed in the adventures of her naughty doll.

“She threw her snack at Missy!” Juliet gave him a shocked look, shaking her head. “Can you believe how naughty she is?”

“Well, it’s Angelique, so yes.”

“Sometimes I think I ought to smack her bottom.”

He could sympathize.

“Papa, what do you think of this?” Juliet asked, turning her painting around to show Xavier. He was sitting on the blanket he’d laid out on the floor of the sunroom. It had become really windy outside, so they’d decided to set up in the sunroom. There were so many windows that it sort of gave the illusion that they were outside.

While she’d painted, Xavier had prepared them a picnic lunch.

These past few days had been strange. But also amazing. Having them both living with her was like a dream come true. Sure, there were learning curves, there probably would be for a while. They all wanted this to work, though.

Her only concern was Reuben. She hoped he was all right. Brick said that if they didn’t hear from him soon that he’d get JSI to track him down.

After that first night, when she’d shared a bed with Xavier and Brick, they’d spent most of their time one-on-one with her. Partly due to Xavier’s schedule. But it was probably also because this was new. They were trying to be careful not to encroach on each other and she wanted to keep things fair.

They hadn’t told anyone about what they were doing, other than Elias and Sterling. But it wouldn’t take long for Kiesha to find out. That girl was a bloodhound for gossip.

Xavier stood and walked over, placing his hand on her lower back. A shiver ran through her. Neither of them had fucked her yet. It was driving her a bit insane.

He stared at the painting on the easel. “That’s so pretty, Twink. What is it?”

“Papa, it’s obvious.” Silly man. “It’s a mermaid warrior fighting off a shark.”

“Oh, right. It’s obvious now. I just thought you were doing a landscape.”

She made a scoffing noise. “Boring.”

“Of course, my most sincere apologies.” He made a small bow and walked over to the picnic lunch he’d made. “Now, time to come eat.”

“Not hungry, Papa.”

“That wasn’t a question, Twink,” he said warningly.

She barely paid attention. She was pretty certain he wouldn’t spank her. Brick had ended up giving her those twenty spanks she’s earned for calling herself a freak and weirdo.

“I’m okay, Papa.” She stepped back, staring at her painting.

“I’m going to count to three and if you’re not here, then you’re going to be in trouble,” he warned.

What sort of trouble?

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