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“Well, what do we have here?” Xavier asked, walking into playroom, and setting down the bag he was carrying.

Juliet, who was wearing a loose, pale dress that ended just above her knees, was frowning down at Angelique, who was standing with her head leaning into the corner.

“Papa!” she squealed, racing over to him and throwing herself into his arms. He’d gotten home in the early hours of the morning, sleeping in a different bedroom from them so he didn’t wake them up. He hadn’t spent any nights at his place since they’d entered this crazy relationship. There probably wasn’t much point in keeping his apartment.

That would give fodder to the gossipers in town. They’d been keeping things quiet so far. He didn’t know whether any of them were ready for the town to know about their relationship just yet.

“Hey, sweetheart.”

“I missed you.”

“I’m sorry. A few more night shifts and I’ll have some time off to spend with you.”

“Okay, Papa. I know you have to work hard.”

“Congrats on another win last night.” Brick had taken Juliet to her quiz last night while Xavier worked.

“Thanks, Papa!” Leaning back, she gave him a big smile.

He wiped at the corner of her mouth. “You been getting into the chocolate?”

“Just one piece.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, maybe two.”

“Don’t eat any more today, all right? There’s a lot of caffeine in that chocolate.”

“Daddy thinks there’s more caffeine in my veins than blood,” she replied happily, adjusting the tiara on her head. “What’s in there?”

He glanced down at the bag. “Well, remember when I said I would bring you back a present if you were a good girl?”

“Yes, but you were mean and said I hadn’t been a good girl because I didn’t tell you about Brick, Elias and Sterling.”

“Right, but I thought that you’ve been pretty good since.”

She jumped up and down, clapping her hands. “Yay!”

“Not entirely good. I haven’t forgotten about you calling yourself names.”

She pouted. “Papa, did you bring it here just to say I can’t have it?”

“Of course not. I wouldn’t be that mean. Here you are, Twink.” He held out the bag and she opened it, gasping loudly as she drew out a mermaid toy. She immediately hugged it tight.

“I love it!”


“Yes, she’s perfect. She’s so squishy and soft. Like a giant marshmallow. Thank you, Papa.” She gave him a huge hug.

“I’m glad. What will you name her?”


“That’s perfect,” he told her.

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