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Georgina tried to pack up the rest of the stuff, but he moved his hand to the back of her neck, squeezing. “Leave it.”

“I came over to see my bestie. I needed to make sure she was all right and bring her a care pack.”

“A care pack? Which consists of sex toys, dirty magazines, a big bottle of lube, batteries, anti-bacterial wipes, pain killers, a heat pad, chocolate, and tampons.” He spun Georgina around until she was facing him then placed his finger under her chin, tilting her face up. “Why didn’t you tell me it was that time of the month? I would have gotten you everything you needed when I went out yesterday.”

“It’s not that time of the month,” she squeaked out.

“Wow, that was really sweet of you, boss man. Didn’t know you had it in you.”

“To what? Buy sanitary products?”

“Some men act like they’re going to infect them with some horrible venereal disease or something,” Kiesha said. “I brought them just in case. A girl needs to be prepared for anything. Anyhoo, I’ve got to go, I’ve got work to do.”

Ed glared over at Kiesha. “Which is where you should be instead of here.”

“I needed to check on Georgie.”

“Which you could have done after work,” he pointed out. “Instead, you called me into work to get me out of the house then snuck in here.”

“When you put it like that it sounds bad.”

“It is bad! Kiesha—”

“I’m going. I’m going. Sheesh.”

“We are not finished with this conversation. You also traveled out here on your scooter in this weather. That’s not safe. Jonny Jacks called me as I was on my way home to tell me that you nearly slid off the road down by the church.”

“Jonny Jacks,” she spat out. “You’d think he’d have better things to do with his time than tattle on me. I’m going to lay a complaint about him for stalking me.”

“Kiesha,” he said sternly.

“Gotta go! You need any girl time, Georgie, just call me. We’ll send Ed out for more tampons. Toodles.”

She high-tailed it out of there, leaving silence in her wake. She’d also left all the sex toys. Shoot. Georgina swallowed heavily. Even though she hadn’t realized that Kiesha was going to do any of that, she still felt guilty as hell. Of course, that could partly be due to the dildo to the eye incident.

“Don’t call it the dildo to the eye incident,” he grumbled, holding up the bag of frozen peas to his eye. “You realize she’s going to tell everyone. I’m never going to live it down.”

“I’m so sorry. Really. I didn’t mean to do it.”

“Hush. I know you didn’t. I’m not mad.”

She bit at her lip. She’d heard that before. And then she’d be given the cold shoulder for days in punishment. She would rather he just yelled at her, got it out of his system.

“Hey, look at me. Georgie. Look at me.”

“Couldn’t you just tell me what you really think? How you’re mad at me for giving you a black eye with a dildo and embarrassing you. I’d rather you did that than you were silently mad at me for days.”

Her breathing came faster.


“I hate when people pretend everything is all right when it isn’t. It’s not fair to say everything is okay or you understand or whatever, then wallow in things and give people the silent treatment.”

“All right. Stop. Just stop.” His hands went around her waist and he lifted her onto the counter. Stuff was shoved aside and the butt plugs fell to the floor. Then he had her chin in his hand, and her gaze was caught by his.

“Listen to me. Are you hearing what I say?”

She nodded.

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