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“In a minute. First, I have to deal with Kiesha.” He stepped into the kitchen where Kiesha stood, staring at him with a disgruntled look on her face.

“Damn, I figured you’d be at least another hour,” she grumbled.

Ed didn’t answer. Because he’d come to a stop. And he was staring down at the kitchen counter, filled with sex toys.

“It’s not what it looks like,” she said, struggling to get free from his hold.


“No, uhh, see, Kiesha brought these over because she had them left over from when she used to sell them and, umm, she thought that . . . I mean . . . she was worried . . . and I guess she thought . . . I mean, I’ve never used anything . . . I didn’t bring . . . Oh Lord, just beam me up now.”

Both Ed and Kiesha were staring at her. Yep, she was bright red again.

“Can you please put me down?” she asked Ed in a strangled voice.

He set her down on the kitchen stool. “I’ll just pack these all up.” She grabbed for the rubber dildo with the suction cup at the bottom of it. But it was still stuck to the countertop. And it wouldn’t come free. She wrapped both hands around it, tugging urgently. “Wow, this thing is really stuck, huh? I just need to pull it a bit more.”

“Sure you do,” Ed said in a strangled voice.

Suddenly the thing came unstuck and she flew backward, the dildo still held in her right hand. She landed against a solid mass of muscle, her arms shooting up and her hand that held the dildo . . .

Landed right in Ed’s face.

“Shit!” he swore.

“Oh God, I’m so sorry,” she said as he righted her, putting her back on the stool.

She stared up at him in consternation as he rubbed at his eye.

Kiesha started giggling. “Bet that’s the first time you’ve ever been g

iven a black eye from a rubber dildo, boss man.”

“I’m so sorry, are you okay? Does your eye hurt? Here, let me get you something to put on it.” Georgina slid off the stool.

“Nope.” He grabbed her and plopped her back on the stool. “Stay put.” He glared down at her from his good eye.

“But your eye!” She reached up with her hand to touch the side of his face. But he quickly grasped hold of her hand.

“How about we put the dildo down, okay?”

Oh, God! She was still holding the rubber dildo. She dropped it hastily. “Sorry.”

“Here ya go, boss man. Might help stop you from getting a black eye. Black eye by rubber dildo is going to be hard to explain at work.” Kiesha handed over a packet of frozen peas with a giggle.

“Thanks,” Ed said dryly.

“I really am sorry,” she told him.

“I know,” he replied, placing a hand on her back and rubbing. “It’s all right. No harm. Although, I would like to know why there is a bunch of sex toys on my kitchen counter?”

Kiesha shrugged. “Thought Georgina might get bored all the way out here while she’s recovering.”

“So you brought her sex toys?”


“Makes perfect sense,” he muttered. “Kiesha, what are you doing here?”

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