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The next two landed in fast succession as though he knew he needed to get this over and done with quickly. Her cries filled the room as he moved to her thighs and gave each of them two sharp taps. She got the feeling he was holding back with those. The first four had definitely felt far harder than the last ones.

Then before she realized that he was moving her, he had her straddling his legs once more. He held her close, rubbing his hand up and down her back soothingly.

She wasn’t certain how long he held her. But her breathing had calmed by the time he drew her back. Her ass was burning, but a weird sort of lethargy had come over her. She wasn’t sure if it was because she’d cried so much or if it was due to the heavy weight of guilt lifting.

“There’s my girl. Such a good baby. Aren’t you?” Leaning in, he kissed her forehead, both cheeks, her nose then finally her lips. But he kept the kiss too short.

“Time for the next part. You up to it or you want to wait until tomorrow night?”

“Next part?”

“Yep, onto your figging. I’m going to go get some gloves. Don’t want to accidentally get that stuff in my eyes. It stings.”

“And yet you’ll put it in my butt!”

He winked at her. “That’s the idea.”

He lifted her off his lap, holding her hips until she was steady. He stood. “I want you to spread your legs wide and then lean over with your chest resting on the bed. Then you’re to reach back and part your bottom cheeks.”

Oh heck. Oh fudge. This was not happening. She knew her face was now as red as her ass as she bent over. Slowly, she reached back and pulled the cheeks of her ass apart. She couldn’t believe he was making her do this. Why couldn’t he do this part?

Because he likes seeing you like this.

She groaned.

“Now that is a pretty sight. Next time we do this, I’m going to have you stand there like that for ten minutes before I plug you with the ginger.”

“This is never happening again.”

“Never say never, my girl. I’ll be back in a minute, stay right there.”

He disappeared.

“Good girl for staying in position,” he told her as he returned.

It had been touch and go. There was a snapping noise like he was putting on gloves then he picked up the bag containing the ginger, which had been sitting right by her face.

“Put your hands on the bed,” he commanded.

She moved her hands down and he spread her ass cheeks himself. “Here comes the ginger.”

It was smaller than the plugs she’d taken so there wasn’t much resistance and it didn’t hurt going in. In fact, as he let her bottom cheeks close over it, she thought that this wasn’t going to be too bad at all.

“All right, over to the corner. Fifteen minutes.”

She stood and started walking over to the corner, having to clench her butt cheeks to ensure the damn thing didn’t fall out.

Ohhh. Ouch. That stung.

She sucked in a breath.

“Starting to sting?” he asked cheerfully. She glanced over to find he was stripping off the gloves. That worm-bum. He’d known it would sting when she moved and he hadn’t warned her.

“Keep moving, Georgie-girl.”

“But it stings,” she wailed.

“Good. It’s meant to sting.” He pointed at the corner. “Corner. Now.”

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