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“You sure we couldn’t just say that I’ve learned my lesson? After all, I was kidnapped and traumatized. Is that not enough?”

He sat on the side of the bed and patted his lap. Cautiously, she walked over, expecting him to pull her immediately facedown over his lap.

Instead, he sat her on his knees, straddling his lap so she was facing him. He placed his hands on either side of her face, gently massaging her tight jaw. “Do you trust me?”

“I do. That’s not the issue.”

“Do you think the punishment is unjust? Do you truly believe I shouldn’t punish you?”

She opened her mouth to tell him that. Then she thought about it for a moment. She remembered how upset he’d been. She thought about how she would feel if she was him. And she knew that the tight knot that had been in her stomach for the last three weeks was actually guilt.

She sighed. “I can’t tell you that.”

Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead then he lifted her off. “Good girl. Over you go.” He patted his knee then helped her situate herself over his lap.

“What’s your safeword?”


“We’re starting with my hand then the paddle then it will be the ginger.”

His hand landed on her poor ass. His spanks were fast and hard. Heavy. She barely had time to catch her breath before her ass was hot and throbbing. He didn’t just stick to her bottom, he moved down her thighs. Oh Lord. That stung. She screeched, kicking her feet. She couldn’t help but try to free herself. But she didn’t have a chance in hell. And even if she did free herself, she knew she wouldn’t get far before he’d be on her.

By the time he stopped, her breaths were coming in sobs, tears tracking down her cheeks. She’d given up trying to fight about five or so spanks ago. Frankly, she was running out of energy and she knew it wasn’t helping her any.

“Good girl. That’s my girl. How are you doing?” he asked as he rubbed her back while she was crying.

How was she doing? Her ass was on fire, that’s how she was doing. But she didn’t say any of that.

“My butt stings.”

“It’s meant to,” he replied without remorse. “Ready for the paddle?”

“I don’t think I should be expected to answer that,” she told him primly.

“No, I suppose you shouldn’t.”

“Daddy, wait!” she cried out.

“What is it? Do you need some water? Bathroom? Is something else hurting other than your bottom?”

“Yeah, my thighs hurt too.”

“You know that’s not what I meant, my girl,” he said sternly.

“I know, I just . . . you’ll stop if I say my safeword?”

“Of course. Without fail. I promise. I would never destroy your trust in me like that.”

She knew he wouldn’t.

“It’s just eight with the paddle. Two to each butt cheek and two on each thigh.”

Eight. She could do Eight.

The paddle landed and for a moment she thought it wasn’t so bad. Then the burn began. She opened her mouth to scream as it landed on the other side. All right, it wasn’t as bad as she’d built it up in her head.

But still, that darn well hurt!

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