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He kissed her forehead. “I know. We’ve got to do something about that.”

She nodded. “I was thinking maybe it’s time I saw a therapist. A good one.”

“I think that’s a good idea. There’s actually a therapist who lives at Sanctuary ranch. And he’s a Daddy himself.”


“Yep. But if you don’t want to see him, we can find someone else. Whatever you need, I will be here to help you. No matter what.”

“I know you will.” She lay on him for a long time, both of them quiet then she started squirming.

“What’s wrong? Uncomfortable?”

“Um, not exactly.” Crap. Crap. Oh, just say it, Georgina. “I have to pee. Could you call for a nurse?” she asked as he slid her off him.

He stood. “Why would you need a nurse for that? Unless you’d rather a stranger helped you?”

“You’re going to help me?”

“The doubt in your voice is rather insulting,” he told her dryly.

She flushed. “Sorry. I just didn’t think you’d want to . . .”

He raised his eyebrows.

“Thank you?” she said hesitantly.

“That’s better. Although I do need someone to turn off the heart monitor machine.” He buzzed for a nurse. They arrived quickly, and to her surprise didn’t even argue when Ed said he would help her to the bathroom.

She noticed she was dressed in a pair of lightweight pajamas with smiling sunshines all over them. She didn’t even remember putting these on.

“Where did the pajamas come from?”

“Kiesha brought them in for you. All of your friends were in the waiting room when we came in. Xavier didn’t want them coming through, though. I convinced them all to go home once you were safely asleep, but Kiesha ducked out to get these. Apparently, they’re ones she bought but she decided they weren’t for her.”

“That was so kind of her. I have the best friends here. I don’t know how I got so lucky. I’ve never had friends before.”

“They’re good to you because you’re good to them. They’ll be friends for life, if you let them in.”

She nodded. She got it. She’d been closed off all her life, but she had to learn how to let people in now. She had a feeling if she didn’t, they’d just come at her until she

broke. In the nicest way possible.

“You can just set me down and wait outside.”

He snorted. “Yeah, that’s not happening.” He moved her around so she was standing in front of the toilet. He kept one arm around her upper back, anchoring her. Then with his other hand, he started pulling down her bottoms.

“Ed!” She slapped at his hands. “What are you doing?”

“Helping you go potty.”

Oh Lord, did he have to say potty?

“Let Daddy help you, my girl. You’re too shaky to go on your own and I don’t want you to fall and hit your head.”

“Again with the obsession with me hitting my head.”

But she let him get her pants down and put her on the toilet.

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