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Still nothing. Shoot. What if he’d overdosed? What if he’d left?

“I know where Tiger is!” Marisol managed to yell.

“Hear that, slimy-penis-breath! She knows where Tiger is!”

Finally, there was the sound of someone walking down the steps then the door opened. Georg

ie stood still, the piece of wood already raised above her head. This was it. Her chance.

“What?” Saber demanded, sounding off. “Where the fuck is my son, you bitch?”

He sounded drunk. This was going to work in her favor.

“He was given to someone,” Marisol whispered.

“What? What did you say?” He stumbled into the room.

Clever girl.

She stepped up behind him and then swung the piece of wood at his head. For a moment he just stood there.


Then he suddenly crumpled.

Oh Lord. Hell.

“Hit him again!” Kiesha screeched as he moaned.


Raising the piece of wood, she struck again. And he quietened. Without letting herself think about what she’d done, she dropped the piece of wood then raced over to help Kiesha with Marisol.

They managed to get the other woman out. Georgina slammed the door to the basement shut then used the deadbolt to lock him in.


Slowly, they managed to help Marisol up the stairs then out of the cabin. They put her gently down on the porch to catch their breaths.

Georgina looked around. “Shit, it’s a different truck.” There was a rusted-out old pick-up in front of the house. He must have gotten rid of the Sanctuary Ranch vehicle. Probably sold it for booze and drugs. Kiesha walked over and opened up the driver’s door.

“Are there keys in it?” Georgie asked.

“No, but I got this.”

What did that mean? Kiesha disappeared under the dashboard and then did something to the wires. Suddenly the truck started up.

“You know how to hotwire a vehicle?” Georgie asked.

“Got taught by the best. But I can’t drive for shit.”

“Help me with Marisol. I’ll drive.”

They got Marisol into the back. Then dived in the front. She took off with a spray of dirt.

Okay, this truck might look run down but it had a hell of an engine in it. She slid around a corner. This truck was the bomb. She raced out onto the road.

“Oh God! I don’t know what I’m more scared of, Saber or your driving!” Kiesha screamed as they raced towards the town.

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