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The air in the room seemed to evaporate as everyone stared at her. Ed’s hands clenched into fists. He was trying hard to remember that he was the sheriff. That she was a woman. That he was much bigger than her, and he’d never once hit a woman in anger.

But fuck, he was tempted.

“Get. Out.”

She pursed her lips. She looked like she was sucking on a lemon. “Excuse me?”

“Get out. Out of my office and out of my town. And don’t come back until you have a civil tongue in your mouth. Because if you ever dare to say something like that to Georgina then I won’t hold back.”

She glanced around. “Are none of you going to defend me?”

“Go home, Mother,” Sebastian said tiredly. “You’ve done enough damage.”

“I’m taking the jet. You can all find your own way home.”

She left and August let out a breath. “Thank fuck for that.”

“August,” Sebastian warned then he turned to Ed. “Tell us what you need us to do.”

Before he could answer there was another commotion in the front room. Then a well-dressed older man walked into his office. There was an intent look in his eyes as he glared at Ed.

“Who the hell kidnapped my daughter? And what are you doing to find her?” Harrison Sanderson demanded.

He nearly groaned. He couldn’t catch a break.

Georgie-girl, I’m coming. Just hold on.


“We need to get out of here,” Georgie said quietly to Kiesha. Marisol wasn’t doing so great. The water and cookies had helped. But she didn’t like how pale and sweaty the other woman was.

Kiesha nodded. “You tell me what to do, bestie and I will. Plus, I’m really busting.”

Georgie got that. Too much longer here and she’d be peeing in a corner. It had been light for a while, and she’d been expecting Saber to come back down. But they hadn’t heard anything from him since he’d thrown in the food for Marisol. There were two grimy, small windows that let enough light in so she’d been able to explore the basement. But they were too small and high up to reach.

“I don’t think we can wait for him to come down. We have to draw him down.”

Kiesha nodded. They’d already discussed what to do.

“Remember the plan. We can do this.”

“Anything that gets me away from the giant killer spiders.”

They’d managed to smash up one of the wooden crates and Georgie grabbed a piece of wood. Holding it, she moved to the side of the door.


Kiesha nodded.

“Just do what you have to in order to get him to walk into the room.”

Kiesha moved into the middle of the room. Marisol sat, leaning against the wall.

“Hey, smelly butt-breath! Get down here! Marisol is ready to talk!”


“Jerkface! Get down here! We have some info for you!”

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