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“All right,” Marisol said

quietly. “There’s just one more problem.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m a diabetic.”

“Oh. Shit,” Kiesha said, jumping to her feet. “Here, sit. Shit. Crap.”

“It’s all right. I mean, I’m okay right now. Luckily, I have a pump for my insulin and I carry glucose tabs in my pocket. But I don’t know how long I can go without eating before it starts affecting me.”

Fudge. They were in trouble.


“What have you got, Ed?” Linc stormed into the room. “Where the hell are they?”

Behind him were Macca, Kent, and Jed. Macca immediately veered off to where Gigi was sitting with Sammy. Gigi shot to her feet with a cry, throwing herself at him. He gathered her close, murmuring quietly to her.

Ed looked over at a frantic Linc. “We’ll find them. I promise.”

“How the fuck did this happen?” Linc snapped. “She was coming into town for some shopping and she was fucking taken?”

“I’m so sorry, Linc,” Gigi cried. “I should have stayed with her.”

Linc’s face softened as he turned towards the distraught woman. “This isn’t your fault, Gigi.” He looked over at Macca. “Take her home, man.”

Macca nodded. “I’ll come back and help search.”

Linc shook his head. “No, Gigi needs you. Stay with her. We got this.”

Macca swung Gigi up in his arms and carried her out.

“What have you got?” Kent asked him.

“Just about to watch the video footage from the parking lot,” Ed told them, gesturing for them to stand behind Jimmy’s chair. “Any ideas who would want to kidnap Marisol?”

Linc grunted as though he’d been physically hit. “Fuck, no.”

“We have a GPS chip on all of our vehicles,” Kent told him. “But the signal has been jammed somehow.”

Fuck it. Ed nodded. “Jimmy, play the video.”

Jimmy hit play and they all watched the black and white feed. There was Marisol. She climbed into the truck. Georgina and Kiesha headed towards her. Then they appeared to talk before Kiesha and Georgina dropped all their bags and climbed into the truck. Marisol took off, driving.

What the fuck?

“Can you zoom in?” Kent asked, leaning down. “Thought I saw something.”

“Not far,” Jimmy said, but he zoomed in.

“Now go back.”

“How the fuck did this happen? Where are they?” Linc demanded. “Marisol is diabetic. She can’t go long without eating, what if she’s somewhere with no food or drink?”

“We’ll find her, man. I get why you’re worried. Georgie and Kiesha are with her.” And he was feeling fucking frantic himself. He wished he could lose his mind like Linc, but he had to stay calm.

“There,” Kent said. “Does that look like there’s someone in the backseat?”

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