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“Gigi will report me missing. She’ll call Linc and the sheriff, everyone will be looking for us,” Marisol reassured Kiesha.

“Right,” Georgie added. “And Ed will tear this town apart looking for us. You know that.”

“Yeah. He will. He won’t let anything happen to you. To any of us.” The strength was coming back to her voice.

“Oh, I just remembered something,” Marisol said. “There’s a GPS tracker on the truck. They’ll be able to track us with that.”

Unless it had been removed. Or he’d used a jammer. Would he know how to do that?

Who was she kidding? Saber was a career criminal. Of course he did. But she didn’t say that to Marisol. Still, she wasn’t going to rely on them being rescued.

“We should still come up with a plan. Just in case.”

“Ed wanted me to wear a tracker but I refused. He bought me a necklace and everything,” Kiesha said. “Why didn’t I listen to him?”

“He did?” she asked, startled.

“Yeah. Haven’t you realized by now that he’s the ultimate caveman. Totally OTT protective. That’s what I yelled at him. I won’t do that again. I’m putting that necklace on as soon as I get home.”

“Everything’s going to be all right,” she soothed. “But I need you to keep it together for me.”

“The full force of JSI will be looking for us,” Marisol added. “They won’t rest until they find us.”

Marisol lived on Sanctuary Ranch, which was owned by the Jensens. Clint Jensen ran the ranch, while his brother, Kent ran Jensen Security International.

“Saber is insane to kidnap you,” Georgie muttered. “Anyone else notice how on edge he was? And why didn’t he head back to the Devil’s Kings? Why is he here looking for Tiger?”

“You mean the fact that he was acting like a lunatic on steroids? Yeah, I noticed,” Kiesha said dryly.

Okay, she was sounding more like herself.

“Maybe I should tell him the truth? About what happened to Tiger?” Marisol asked.

“You know what happened to Tiger?” Georgie asked sharply.

“Um, well, not exactly,” she said carefully. “But I have an idea. Only telling him the truth could be a really bad idea. For everyone.”

Georgie rubbed at her jaw, moving it from side to side, aware that she was clenching it tight. “And you never told anyone?”

“Not quite.”

“Does Ed know?” Georgina asked sharply. Did he know and he hadn’t told her?

“No. No, Ed doesn’t know.”

She breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Dude, you do remember she’s an FBI agent, right?” Kiesha said cautiously. “And you withheld information.”

“I’m in trouble?” Marisol asked.

Shoot. Fudge.

“Don’t tell me anymore. We didn’t have this conversation.” She let out a breath. “Just . . . I’m guessing he’s dead, right? Otherwise, he would have turned up like a bad smell.”

“I think so.”

“Right. Okay. Shoot. We cannot tell Saber that. Okay? If he finds out that Tiger is dead, it will send him over the edge. So you do not know anything about his son. Got me?” She was probably being a bit harsh. But darn it. Marisol had held things back. Probably to protect whoever had taken out Tiger. But Georgina wasn’t in a forgiving mood right then.

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