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“Spread those legs. Fuck, you have the most delicious ass. Surprisingly plump for your frame. Just perfect for spanking or fucking.”

She let out a small whimper and he grinned. Damn, this was fun. He ran his thumb down between her ass cheeks. She tightened.

“Relax,” he commanded. He should probably wait until after they’d gone through limits and expectations. But damned if he could stop himself. Besides, she’d bit his thumb. In return, he was going to do a bit of exploring. “Do you trust me?”

“More than I’ve ever trusted anyone,” she replied in a whisper.

Fuck. That was like a punch to the gut. But the good kind. The sort that made you go all warm inside.

“I’ll never make you regret that, my girl.”

“Don’t. Please, don’t. Because I don’t trust easily and if you break me, I don’t think I’ll ever . . . “

“Shh, I’ll never break you. All I want to do is make you stronger. To make you see what I see. Someone fiercely courageous. Strong and beautiful.” He ran his thumb between her ass cheeks. “With a plump, gorgeous ass. I think I’ll need to inspect this ass often. I thought your pussy was going to be my addiction. Then it was your nipples. But now I think it might be this ass.” He pressed his thumb to her crinkled back hole and she moaned.

Yeah. Definitely an addiction.

Pulling his hand back, he slapped her ass. Fast. Not too heavy. Just a small punishment. A slight sting. Then he rubbed the heat in.

“Stand up, my girl. Slowly.” He took a step back, ready to catch hold of her if she showed any sign of dizziness.

But she managed to stand on her own.

“Turn to me.”

She turned. Her gaze was down, her breath coming in sharp pants.

“Look at me.”

Her gorgeous gaze reached his. And he gave her a smile of satisfaction. Approval filled his face. “Good. Now, remove your hands.”

She gulped but then her hands dropped away. His breath caught in his throat at the faded, jagged scar. Fuck, the idea of someone doing this to her. Hurting her. It killed him.

It made him murderous. He had to stifle the rage, though. For her. Because she needed him to be strong. Not to indulge in his own feelings.

That could come later. When he was in the gym and could take it out on the equipment.

“See, it’s ugly.” Her hand moved back to cover it up.

He dropped to his knees. She let out a sharp breath and tried to take a step back, but he grabbed hold of her hips.

“Put your hands in the small of your back.”


He smacked her ass and gave her a firm look.

“Daddy, I don’t know if I can . . . “

He took pity on her. Poor girl. He could see that she wanted to obey him. Was at war with herself. But this was difficult, laying all of herself bare. He got it.

“Do you know what I see when I look at this scar?”

“Something ugly? Someone to be pitied?”

“No,” he growled. “You could never be ugly. No part of you. And I could never pity you. How could I pity someone who went through something horrific and came out the other end stronger?”

Her gaze was caught on his, her eyes filled with tears. “Really?”

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