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Clint clapped his hands, looking around at the men in his office. Bear stood by the door, silently watching over everyone. Kent, Zeke and Macca were sitting, talking. Jed leaned against the wall to his right. Bain was scowling as he stared down at his phone, tapping away.

Zeke, Jed, Macca and Bain all worked for JSI, while Bear worked on the ranch. But he considered them all to be family.

This was everyone who had been available to help on short notice, but he thought it would be enough. How hard could it be, getting all this stuff done?

“Now that we’re all here, let’s get on with this.”

The door opened and Doc and Archer stepped in. That surprised him, usually one of them was always with Caley.

Plus, Doc wasn’t exactly the helpful type.

Doc nodded to everyone as he walked up and handed Clint a paper bag. “Here’s the vitamins and a bottle of that nutritional shake I was talking about. Is she sleeping?”

Clint nodded, taking a quick look at the baby monitor. He’d fed her a late lunch then waited until she’d fallen asleep before calling everyone to meet with him.

“So what’s going on?” Archer asked. He was new to the ranch. A head doc. Clint had rolled his eyes when Kent said he was hiring him. What the hell did they need with a shrink? But he seemed to be an okay guy. So long as he didn’t get into Clint’s head.

He liked it just the way it was.

“I need your help. You may not have heard, but Charlie fainted today.”

Some nodded, others looked at him in concern.

“She’s all right but she needs to get some more rest and eat properly. Doc’s grounded her. She’s currently upstairs taking a nap. She’s on bed rest for the next two days at least.”

This time everyone gave a satisfied nod. When a Little was ill, she needed extra coddling and looking after.

“The wedding is in ten days,” Bear spoke up. “You need our help?”

Clint nodded; glad his friend had gotten to the heart of it. He turned the whiteboard around. At the top he’d written: Wedding Shit To Get Done.

Kent groaned at the wording.

“Doc wants Charlie to completely rest, which means no organizing stuff. So it’s all on me.”

“Which means you’re roping us in to help,” Bain said dryly.

“You bet. No need to do everything myself when you’re all sitting arou

nd, twiddling your thumbs.”

“I quite enjoy a bit of thumb twiddling,” Archer offered with a grin. “Helps me think.”

“Well, you can twiddle your thumbs as you pick up all the stuff Charlotte needs from in town. She’s got a list.”

“Sure. I like shopping.”

Clint gave Doc a look. Seriously? Archer liked shopping? Doc just shrugged. “He’s weird.”

“Hey. Just because I like to shop does not make me weird.” Archer grabbed the list from Clint, looking it over. “I’m on it.”

“What you want me to do?” Doc asked.

“Check in with the people providing the horse and carriage.” He figured Doc couldn’t alienate them too much. Right?

“Kent, need you to check in with Father Thomas, who is performing the ceremony.”

“Sure,” Kent replied easily.

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