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“Zeke, can you and Eden visit the place we’re having the reception and make sure everything is set?”

Zeke nodded. “Sure can, boss.”

“Bain, you’ve got the florist.”

“I know nothing about flowers.” Bain shot him a dark look.

“Get Ari to help.”

Bain sighed.

“Jed, I’ve got you down for the cake decorator. Make sure she’s all good.”

Jed nodded.

“Bear, need you to help Ellie figure out something else for the bridal shower.” The girls were all supposed to be going into the spa in town but that was off the table now.

He took in a deep breath and looked around at them all. “There’s something else. Charlotte doesn’t think she has any family attending this wedding.”

They all frowned at that.

“I intend to show her differently.”

“Good,” Zeke grumbled.

“Charlie’s been family since the moment she stepped on this ranch,” Bear added.

Satisfaction filled him. Charlie might not have any blood relatives, but family could be a choice.

“What are you going to be doing?” Kent asked.

“Taking care of Charlotte.”

Kent gave a nod of satisfaction then stood and whacked his hand against Clint’s back. “We got this, brother.”

They better have. Charlotte deserved a magical wedding and he was going to give it to her.


She really did look like shit.

She studied herself in the bathroom mirror. Her skin was pale. There were dark smudges under her eyes. And her collarbones seemed more pronounced than they had a few weeks ago. Shit. Would she even fit her wedding gown? She was due to have her last fitting tomorrow. What was she going to do?

“Charlotte?” Clint called out, walking in with a frown. “What do you think you’re doing up?”

“I needed the toilet.”

His frown deepened. “You should have called out for me. What if you’d fainted again? You could have fallen and hit your head against the sink.” He shook his head. “Next time yell out for me.”

She turned to scowl at him. “Clint, I can’t call for you every time I need to use the toilet.”

“You can. I’ve cleared my schedule. I’m going to be taking care of you. And Little girls shouldn’t get out of bed without Daddy’s permission.” He ran a thumb over her cheek. “How are you feeling?”

She took stock. She felt like she’d been run over by a bus. But at least her sore throat hadn’t gotten any worse.


“I’m all right.”

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