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“It…it’s amazing, Clint.”

“We wanted an area for you all to play. Maybe not in winter so much. But come summer time, we thought it would be a fun place for you all to play. It’s set back here so if there’s any visitors to the ranch, which doesn’t happen often, it will be out of their sight. We’ll put up some picnic tables. Maybe set up an outdoor kitchen. What do you think?”

She turned to him, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him. “I think it’s amazing. I think you’re amazing.”

To her shock, a hint of red entered his cheeks. “Just want you to be happy, little darling.”

“I am.”

There was a squeal and she turned to see Ellie going down the slide. Abby and Gigi were hanging back slightly, but Ari and Caley were being pushed on the swings by Bain and Archer. Doc was standing and watching everyone closely, that scowl still on his face. Daisy was moving up the climbing wall with Jed hovering close by, his arms out as though to catch her if she fell.

“Come on, Charlie! Come play!” Ellie called.

“I’m getting a pathway put in so Zeke can wheel Eden out. She’s not quite sure about it, though.”

She nodded. She didn’t want Eden to miss out. But she was often more reserved about showing her Little side than the others.


; “Charlie!” Daisy called from the top of one of the cubby houses. “Gigi! Abby! Come play!”

“Do I have time, Daddy?” she asked, bouncing up and down with excitement.

He smiled down at her, kissing her forehead. “You do. I’ll give you a ten-minute warning before we have to head to the house and get ready.”

He turned her, slapping her ass. “Go. Have fun with your friends. Don’t forget to come back when Daddy calls, though. Remember, that paddle is coming on our honeymoon with us.”

She groaned but ran off with a laugh, her soul light. She was happy. Safe. Loved.

Daddy in Cowboy Boots


Linc liked an uncomplicated life.

He didn’t need much. A cold beer after a hard day’s work. A comfy bed. Good food. And a soft, sweet woman. A Little he could coddle, love and discipline.

When he met Marisol, he thought he’d finally found her.

Hmm . . . remember that uncomplicated life he enjoyed?

Turns out that Mari’s life is anything but simple.

And if Linc thought that having the sheriff interested in his woman was going to be his biggest problem?

Well, he needed to think again . . .


“Not sure. That’s a loaded question. Tell me, did you have any intention of calling me?”

“Calling you?”

“Yes. Ed said he found you walking along the side of the road, in the dark, no jacket and a backpack on. He said that you were trembling, upset, that clearly something had happened.”

Drat Ed anyway.

“He’s a big old tattletale.”

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