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He firmly toyed with her clit until she clenched down hard. Her scream filled the room. He lost control, driving himself into her again and again until his own orgasm rushed over him, through him and his shout of pleasure mingled with hers.

As they lay in bed later on, after he’d cleaned both of them up, with her snuggled into his side, he kissed the top of her head.

“Best day,” he muttered. “Good night, my darling wife.”


“Come on, little darling. We’re going to be late.”

“But I thought we didn’t have to be at the airport until later on this afternoon, Daddy,” Charlie said as she took his hand. Where was their luggage? Did they have to go right now?

“We’re not leaving yet. I have a surprise for you.”

“A surprise? What sort of surprise?”

“It’s a wedding present. For my little darling.”

A wedding present? Was she supposed to get him one? Worry filled her. He must have noticed she had grown tense because he paused then turned her towards him. He tilted up her face with his hand on her chin.

“What’s wrong? This is something fun. It’s not supposed to worry you.”

She bit her lip. “I didn’t get you anything.”

He cupped her face. “Little darling, since when do you worry about what you get for Daddy? Besides, you did give me something. You.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Not sure that’s such a great present.”

His face filled with warmth. “It’s the best present I’ve ever received. Now, come on. Let’s get you dressed warm. I need to show you.”

After helping her put on her jacket, hat, gloves and scarf, he led her out of the house. They walked towards the barn, but then veered off towards the right. She blinked as they walked around a corner. On a cleared piece of land there was…

“A playground?” she asked, pausing. It looked like a playground and yet something was different about it. Everything seemed bigger than it should be.

Colorful rubber tiles had been laid down over a large area. There were two wooden structures with roofs on them. Like cubby houses. They even had red windows that looked like they opened and shut.

One structure had a green slide, the other had a yellow one and there was a red tunnel going between them. A set of stairs led up to each little house. But there was also a climbing wall and a fireman’s pole.

There were two sets of swings off to one side. One with baby seats where you could slot your legs into holes and one that held normal swings. Both had bigger seats than you might see in a child’s playground.

There was even a sandpit, although it didn’t look quite finished.

It all looked amazing.

“There’s some more things coming like a see-saw and some twirling thing that I’m sure is gonna make everyone sick. And the sandpit needs to be finished off. We didn’t have time for that.”

She looked up at Clint. “You did this? When? Why?”

“Well, I didn’t really do it. I organized it. With some help from the others.” He waved his hand and she saw their friends walking towards them. Bear held Ellie’s hand as she skipped along, talking excitedly.

Jed had his arm around Daisy. Abby and Kent were talking to them. Abby was smiling at something Daisy was telling her. Caley walked between her two Docs, grinning up at Archer. Doc was frowning, probably grumbling about the potential of broken bones and scrapped knees. Caley said something back to him and Archer burst into laughter. Doc waggled his finger at her then leaned in and kissed the top of her head. Macca and Gigi were slower. He was pointing something out to her and she was nodding.

Last were Ari and Bain. Ari was on Bain’s back and smiling widely. Charlie felt herself smiling as well. “You had this built for us?”

“Same guy that made the rocking horse for Gigi, makes playgrounds for Littles. He had the main structure already built. We just needed to make an area and put down the rubber tiles. He did most of the rest.”

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