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Marisol was currently painting Eden’s fingers a pale blue.

“Can we rub this gunk off now, Marisol?” Ellie asked.

“Ellie!” Abby scolded.


“I don’t think you’re supposed to call it gunk.”

“Oh.” Ellie gave Marisol an apologetic look. “Sorry! Can I take this mud stuff off my face?”

Marisol smiled. “Don’t worry, I call it gunk too. Go ahead. You’ve had it on long enough.”

Gigi came over with a glass of pink lemonade and set it down by Marisol’s knee. She was currently kneeling in front of Eden’s chair.

“Thought you might be getting thirsty,” Gigi told her. She’d already washed her face clean.

The curvy dark-haired woman looked at Gigi with a smile. She had an olive complexion with big, round eyes. She was gorgeous.

“Thank you. That’s so kind.”

“Did you come straight here from the spa?” Eden asked. Eden went to the spa regularly so she probably knew Marisol.

“I did.”

“Did you stop to eat anything?” Gigi asked. “Would you like a cupcake or a cookie?”

“Oh, thank you, no. I’m trying not to eat too much sugar.”

“There’s probably something healthy in the kitchen,” Charlie said. “Clint could find you something.”

“Just don’t let him make you a smoothie,” Eden whispered. “He’s absolutely shit at making smoothies.”

“Eden!” Charlie protested, trying to stifle a giggle.

“The last one he made me had avocado, banana and soy sauce in it,” Eden told Marisol. “I couldn’t even stand the smell of it let alone taste it. Luckily, Zeke poured it in a potted plant when Clint wasn’t watching.”

Marisol gaped at Eden.

“Oh no, is that why that plant in the dining room died?” Charlie asked.

Eden grimace. “Yeah. Sorry about that. That plant was ugly anyway.”

Yeah. That was true.

The others all came back, their faces clear.

“I’m fine. Thank you, though. I really ought to get going before the rain starts. Do you need help washing off the gunk?” Marisol’s lips twitched as she said that. Charlie was the only one left with goop on her face, since Eden had declined the mud pack.

“We’re good. Let me get you some money.” Charlie made to stand, but Eden reached out a hand grabbing onto her. “No, you don’t. This is your party.”

“And your fiancée has already paid me,” Marisol said softly.

But she needed a tip. She frowned then saw Ari giving her a thumbs up. She grabbed something out of her handbag by the door. Charlie settled back. She’d get Clint to pay Ari back later.

“Thank you so much, Marisol.”

“Not a problem,” the other woman said warmly. “Enjoy your wedding. Hope to see you all at the spa sometime.”

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