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“Because we’re family,” Abby told her. She came and sat on her other side.

Ellie leaned her head against Charlie’s arm. “Family isn’t always who you’re born into. It can be,” she looked over at Eden who smiled gently, “but sometimes it’s who you make it.”

“You’re our family, Charlie.” Abby squeezed her hand.

“That’s one of the best things about living here,” Daisy added, looking around at them all. “Knowing there are people here who love you.”

“Care about you,” Gigi added.

“And don’t judge you,” said Caley. Ari nodded with a smile.

Eden leaned forward. “So don’t forget we’re always here for you, Charlie. No matter what.”

“I won’t,” Charlie told them, blinking back her tears.

The doorbell rang and Clint’s voice boomed through the house. “I’ll get it.”

Everyone started giggling, breaking the moment. But Ellie still leaned against her and Abby squeezed her hand tight.

And she knew they were right. Family was a choice. And she chose them.

* * *

Turned out, Marisol, the girl who came from the spa to do their nails and facials, was an absolute sweetheart. They’d ended up all getting their nails different colors from Ellie’s bright pink to Daisy’s buttery yellow to Ari’s classic red.

Charlie had opted for a very pale pink which she thought would look nice with her wedding dress.

“Would you like jewels on them? Or glitter?” Marisol asked her.

“Glitter?” Caley asked. “I’d like glitter.”

“Ooh, me too,” said Gigi.

Charlie shook her head, though. “I think mine look perfect the way they are.”

If Marisol thought she and her friends were a bit over-exuberant about glitter, she didn’t say anything. She didn’t even blink at the way they often bounced around or how Daisy had stuffed herself with candy until she was now lying on the floor, groaning.

She simply smiled and quietly moved around, doing everyone’s nails while they sat with gunk on their faces from mud packs.

Charlie wondered if Marisol was a Little. But no, she was just being kind and sweet. Didn’t mean anything.

She was so grateful she was feeling better. To think she might have missed all this. She wasn’t usually one to get her nails done or put mud packs on her face. But she was really enjoying this. Mostly because all of her friends were here.

“Shall we put on some music?” Ari asked, moving to the stereo.

Marisol hadn’t even blinked at Ari’s appearance. Either she didn’t know who she was, or she had an excellent poker face.

Ellie clapped. “Dance party.”

Charlie groaned.

“We can’t dance with all this gunk on our faces,” Abby said.

“I can’t even move,” Daisy proclaimed, her hands on her tummy. “Jed is gonna kill me. My ass is toast unless I can process this sugar.”

Charlie looked to Marisol but she didn’t react. She noticed Caley watching the other woman as well. Last thing they wanted to start was any rumors. Especially with Ari being so high-profile. But Marisol seemed really professional.

Gigi brought Daisy a bottle of water and rubbed her back soothingly as the other woman sat up to sip at it.

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