Page 50 of Journey To Fortune

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“What?” Roman asked.

Her heart pounded inside of her chest and she looked at Roman and saw his eyes narrow and an expression of anger fill them instantly.

“We’re getting further details and confirmation. Something is up. We’ll discuss it later. Right now there are things to go over with Rose,” Mercury said.

“What things?” she asked.

“Number one, your bills are all paid, and the rent, too. Gave the landlord the last payment and have a company moving your things right now.”

“Moving my things? Paying my rent, my bills? What in God’s name are you talking about?” The tears filled her eyes. She was shaking.

“I was at your place this morning and there’s no way you’re staying there any longer. You’re lucky none of those lowlifes haven’t attacked you or tried something. All your bills are paid and closed out. Your paintings are in storage at a facility we own and the other place you rent is now empty.”

“Where am I going to live? Why are you doing this?” she asked, her voice cracking.

“You’ll live here. Where we can protect you and keep eyes on you.”

Her anger got the better of her.

“Just like that? You have sex with me and then you take over my life? Are you insane? I mean I know that some wealthy people can be eccentric and controlling of things but holy shit, you—you just took over my life and we haven’t been together for twenty-four hours. I can’t believe this is happening.” She threw her hands up in the air.

“You’re blowing things out of proportion. You are no longer in debt. You have a clean slate and a beautiful home to live in. The six of us will provide all you need and then some,” Mercury said, so cold-heartedly it made her feel like an object. Like something he owned.

“Nobody owns me. You sure as shit don’t own me because you fucked me. You didn’t even ask me, Mercury. How dare you get into my business!” she yelled at him.

He stomped toward her and gripped her hips, lifted her up and placed her onto the kitchen island. She gasped and then leaned back, palms wide by her sides and he loomed over her, looking dead serious and like a man set on a mission. Something told her there was more going on here but he wasn’t sharing. She didn’t know what to do. She was confused, shocked.

“I dare because you’re my woman and my brothers’ woman and things are changing,” he stated through clenched teeth with his hands on the island, caging her in by her hips.

“Your woman or your whore?” she whispered to him and looked away. He gripped her chin and stared down into her eyes.

“What did you say?”

“You heard me. Your whore. Your fuck toy that you can beckon on command. Is that what I am?”

“No. Where the hell would you get that idea?” Mercury snapped at her with his eyes narrowed, his nostrils flaring in outrage at her accusation. She felt a twinge of guilt. Maybe she was being harsh but something made her stand her ground. He knew how to push her buttons. They all did.

“Oh, I don’t know, Daddy Warbucks. You paid my bills, emptied my apartment, and moved me here without even asking me anything or hell, inviting me to move in with you and your brothers because you care, you’re overwhelmed with desire to have me close and want me. Because last night was more than a good fucking session. Oh, wait, that must be how us poor folk do things. Ask first. Have feelings and compassion and an understanding of how someone might feel before they make decisions for them and force it down their throats.” She glared at him.

Mercury just stared at her, opened his mouth, closed it, and then spoke.

“I’m sorry if you’re offended.”

Mercury looked away and exhaled.

“Tell her,” Slade stated firmly. Her gut clenched.

Mercury held her gaze.

“Tell me what?” she asked.

“Someone is sabotaging our company. That person, or people, is connected to Molokai, and they shot and nearly killed Rome, and they could have killed everyone on that mission, including my other brothers. This is serious shit, and now that you’re important to us, your safety is top priority.”

She thought about that a moment and looked at the others, who seemed so on edge and intense. She didn’t know what they were going through but obviously they were being cautious because Rome was nearly killed.

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