Page 35 of Journey To Fortune

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“She’s in the back room with Mulgoff and Copias. She should come out that way any minute,” Slade told him.

“Pack things up. I’ll get her and take her home,” he stated and then Mercury saw Molokai and Weiller. They were heading out of the main dining area and hopefully back where they came from. To think that the Russian had a hand in nearly getting Rome killed had Mercury struggling with what to do next. He would need to talk with Graham and Vaughn and get some more updates while he met with Hiatte as well to see what he may have not told them about his relationship with Volupus. Mercury and his brothers invested a lot of time and money in this business. They were the best and no one was going to destroy their business, never mind hurt those they loved.

He glanced at the empty hallway. Where the hell was Rose and what was taking her so long?

* * * *

“Come again?” Rose said and grabbed on to the desk as Mulgoff chuckled and Corpias smirked.

“A little over a hundred thousand, plus ten thousand for tonight’s work.”

“Oh God.” Corpias grabbed a chair and she sat down in it. She crossed her legs. Now wearing a black skirt and light pink sleeveless blouse, she felt as if the room was spinning. She was in shock. Her paintings combined sold for more than a hundred thousand dollars. He also said ten thousand for tonight but he said five before tonight.

“Wait. Ten thousand for tonight’s modeling job, but you said five. I don’t understand.”

“Molokai purchased that diamond for ten million more. Hell, I should give you even more than ten thousand for the night.”

“Wait. My part is done with that deal, correct? I didn’t miss some sort of additional responsibility or anything?” she asked and he smiled and leaned back against the desk, crossing his arms in front of his chest and finding her reaction way too amusing.

“Rose, there are no additional responsibilities. You did amazing tonight, and now we need to make plans for your gallery showing.”

“My gallery showing? What do you mean?”

“I have had several top notch gallery owners approach and ask about showing off your work and introducing your talent to the elite. You think this was a great amount of money for your paintings, just wait until we organize a top notch event. You’ll be filthy rich and will have an even better studio than before because you’ll be able to afford a better one.”

“I don’t believe this. I owe you so much, Mulgoff. I mean, we meet while I’m bartending and you offer me the modeling job, and then put my paintings on display here tonight and they sell for crazy prices. I don’t know how to repay you.”

“You don’t need to repay me. You’ve worked hard and have done what I hired you to do each time with an outstanding performance. I didn’t know if your paintings would sell or not. All I did was display them and have people available to answer questions about your work. It was your vision, your expertise, and talent that sold those paintings. Whether your other work can hold up to having a successful gallery event is in your hands.”

She placed her hand against her forehead.

“What do we need to do first?” she asked.

He smiled. “You need to go home and rest. I’ll be in touch about the gallery event and any other modeling jobs. One thing I might suggest is that you try to stay in Molokai’s good graces. He has an interest in your work.”

“I’m not too sure about him. I more than likely won’t see him again either. Not when I’ll be spending time painting and trying to organize a gallery event.”

“I wouldn’t be too sure about that. He enjoyed your company, and I think he anticipates meeting you again. He would be a good man to have in your corner as you face some powerful people who may want to stand in your way of success. After all, it isn’t only about your talent. As you know, it takes knowing the right people, having the perfect business people backing you to ensure your success and help promote your name and the product you are selling. But don’t worry about those small details. Allow me to, and you just keep painting and organizing the pieces you plan on displaying. Corpias will bring you to the car and my driver can take you home.”

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