Page 30 of Journey To Fortune

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“Rose, would you like to get off your feet, have a drink and some delicious dinner with us to help me celebrate purchasing that gorgeous blue diamond you wear so well?”

She licked her lower lip and then swallowed hard.

“She is precious,” Weiller whispered.

“Go ahead, Rose. I’ll be nearby,” Corpias told her and she nodded.

“I appreciate the invitation and would be happy to join you and celebrate,” she said to him and Molokai smiled. He reached out his hand and offered her to sit alongside him in the booth at the table.

“We should remove the diamond and place it into the velvet box and safe keeping until you’re ready to leave,” Mulgoff said to him.

Molokai looked at Rose then leaned over and caressed the necklace as he inhaled her scent. “It will be safe right here around Rose’s neck with her sitting beside me for a little longer. If that is okay with Rose,” he asked.

She nodded.

“Wonderful. Let’s celebrate with some champagne,” Mulgoff said and clicked his fingers.

As the waiters brought over champagne glasses and bottles, popping the corks and adding to the excitement, Molokai locked gazes with Mercury James and saw the daggers in his eyes. So Rose was someone of importance to Mercury James, maybe even his brothers. Interesting.

* * * *

“What the fuck is Molokai Volupus doing here?” Slade whispered to Mercury.

“I don’t know, but I would say we have a big fucking problem,” Mercury replied.

“Did you say Molokai Volupus?” Falco asked through their earpieces.

“Affirmative, and Weiller Onsanna is with him as well as Rose,” Mercury said.

“Fuck. What do you want to do?” Falco asked.

“Right now, nothing,” Mercury said. He gave Slade a nod and they walked away.

“What about Rose? What is she doing with them?” Falco asked.

“Mulgoff looks happy, so I’d say that either Weiller or Molokai just purchased a fifty million dollar blue diamond,” Mercury stated and Falco whistled as Slade took position near the door, his eyes glued to the corner booth that servers now mobbed with champagne and food.

Mercury headed out of the room and into one of the hallways. He ran his fingers through his hair and thought about what could possibly be going down around here. This was not some coincidence. He pulled out his phone and called Graham.

“Hey, a couple of unexpected guests arrived. I need you to do me a favor,” Mercury said to Graham and explained what needed to be done to investigate why Molokai and Weiller were here and what they may be after.

* * * *

Rose was truly uncomfortable sitting at this table with all men, and men that could spend sixty million dollars at the drop of a hat. That wasn’t even normal.

She felt Molokai’s arm on the back of the seat over her shoulders. Sitting forward, she locked gazes with Mulgoff, who was chatting away with Weiller.

“So, Rose, tell me about your paintings?” Molokai said to her.

“My paintings?” she asked, seemingly shocked that he brought them up.

“Mulgoff mentioned them to me and about how outstanding they are. I believe all of them sold tonight, isn’t that right, Mulgoff?” he asked and took a sip from his champagne. She was shocked and looked at Mulgoff.

“What is he talking about?”

“Ah, he ruined my surprise,” Mulgoff said and she felt Molokai stroke her skin by her shoulder.

“I don’t understand,” she added.

“I had them placed on display and many people complimented them and started to bid on them. I’m not sure what the numbers are but I think you’ll be quite pleased,” he told her.

“Bidding on them? On my paintings?” she asked, feeling her eyes fill with tears. He smiled and winked at Molokai.

“I was too late. Damn,” Molokai stated.

“Well, I’m sure Rose has more paintings in her studio. Perhaps we could make plans to check them out there?” Weiller suggested.

“That would be wonderful. Where is your studio located?” Molokai asked her.

She gulped. “I don’t have a studio anymore.”

He scrunched his eyes at her. “Why not?” he pushed.

“Honestly, I couldn’t afford the rent anymore.”

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