Page 11 of Journey To Fortune

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“Who cares? They’re all hot,” Gianna said and they started giggling.

“And super mysterious too,” Louisa added.

“I think they’re into some crazy, dangerous stuff. All six of them are super serious, even Rylan and Remo, who apparently fly back and forth to New York to a club they own,” Pina told them.

“They own a club?” Rose asked.

“They own two clubs, and one is in Charlotte. It is a big place and like one of those clubs where you have to get all dressed up and wait in line to be chosen to go in unless you know someone on the inside,” Venetia told them.

“Oh man, that would be so much fun to go to,” Louisa said.

“We should see if we can make a trip, like an overnight out of it,” Pina suggested.

“I think I’m fine with this place and even Carlyle’s,” Gianna said to them.

“Don’t be such a party pooper. Rose’s birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks. We should take her there,” Pina suggested.

“I can call Graham and see if he can call Mercury and get us in. Then we won’t have to wait and we can show up like big shots,” Louisa suggested.

“Are you serious? Oh my God, that would be fun. Cherie should be back from that business trip she took to Connecticut. God, I hate to say this but I hope she doesn’t move away,” Venetia said to them.

“I think she was hoping that your brothers, Venetia, would be interested in dating her,” Pina said.

“I know. I think so, too. She needs to get away from Randy,” Venetia added.

“He still bothers her?” Rose asked.

“I haven’t spoken to Cherie in weeks. I’ll call her and tell her about this once we confirm a date and time.”

“I just texted Graham,” Louisa said and they heard her phone go off. She looked down and scrunched her face.

“What’s wrong?” Gianna asked.

“I think I’ll need to talk to them about this in person.” Her cheeks turned a nice shade of red.

“They don’t want you going, do they?” Rose asked.

“Man, now that I think about it, all our men will want to assign protection and will want to come along too,” Pina said.

“Don’t worry about it. I’m not into clubs anyway. You have to wear the latest styles and get all dolled up. I’m fine with dinner and dancing to the live band at Carlyle’s for my birthday, if you all are on board with that?” Rose said.

“Okay, to Carlyle’s,” Pina said and raised her glass. They all did and then clinked their glasses together.

“And to Rose being a jewelry model, and hopefully clothed, not naked,” Louisa said and they laughed and took sips of their drinks.

“Otherwise, you’d better ask for a lot more per hour,” Venetia said and they laughed louder.

Chapter 4

Rose was shaking. She had not expected this. Not showing up at the hotel, being escorted to the penthouse suite by Daxton Hunt.

“Are you sure about this? I know Louisa said it’s normal to have women model expensive jewelry, but there are some pretty wealthy people upstairs.”

“Daxton, I was expecting super wealthy, considering the prices on the jewelry. It’s a job, and at fifty dollars an hour to wear jewelry and walk around a party, I think that’s a no brainer,” she told him. He squinted at her.

“We care about you, Rose. You’re Louisa’s friend and she’s our woman. If you need some help financially…?”

“Stop. No, I’m fine. I need a little break from painting, to clear my head and make the creative juices flow. I’m fine, but thank you. Louisa is very lucky to have you and your brothers in her life and loving her. That’s all that matters.”

The doors to the elevator opened and Daxton escorted her to the door.

“Okay, good luck.”

“Thanks,” she said and he gave her a wink and headed back to the elevator. She knocked on the door and gave the man her name.

“I’ll show you to the models’ dressing room,” he said, eying her over. He was a big guy, foreign looking like Middle Eastern or something. She wasn’t sure, but he didn’t have an accent.

He opened the door and escorted her into a large room with a sitting area, a table filled with food and drinks, then mirrors, a wardrobe station with numerous dresses, and even chairs set up with beauticians and makeup artists.

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