Page 38 of The Taste

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“There,” Rafferty said, flopping the paper down onto the table. He put the pen back inside his jacket pocket. He then turned, nodded to the others, including a business-like nod to his soon to be former wife, and marched out. Without a backward glance.

Everyone breathed. The air in the shop felt hot, heavy. Sophie wanted to prop the door open. Penny fumbled about gathering up the paper.

Lyle cleared his throat, looking straight at Penny. “Come by the clubhouse if you’re ever lonely, baby, if you wanna get down and dirty, cut loose... we’ll work on making you a mama, if you want... we’ll work on all your fantasies…”

Penny looked dazed, as if too much had happened and she couldn›t process it all.

“My password is ‘whiskey dick’. It’s ironic, see, ‘cause I don’t get...”

“Alright Lyle,” Colt said, impatiently.

“Just saying... Thursday nights we’re open to the public, you’ll need a password from a member to get in.”

“I’ll… think about it,” Penny said, paper in hand, shirt fully buttoned up.

She took one look around the room, at Lyle, dazed. Sophie came forward then, silently proffered a coffee for her. Taking a leaf out of Phantom’s book, sometimes words weren’t needed. Penny stepped forward and took it silently from Sophie, gratitude in her eyes. Then, she left, with a final glance at them all.

The bikers took a big breath in and out. Sophie did, too. What drama.

Ash spoke first, addressing Sophie, “I can see why he’s been talking about you.”

Sophie raised her eyebrows. “Phantom? He talked? About me?”

Ash tilted his head. “Well, not with words. He’s been walking around with a raging hard on tenting his jeans since you arrived in town...”

“Oh,” Sophie said.

“Right, we’re gonna get going, after all that, I gotta fuck,” Colt said, yanking his phone out of his pocket.

“April, I’m on my way home… I’m gonna take you, hard, you good for that? Yeah, get ready, Kitten,” he said. He hung up and tugged his waistband.

Sophie blew out a breath and dug deep into the tub of ice cream. She was already running out of the most popular flavor, she’d have to make more for next month. She was at the monthly farmers market, the new addition to the town’s social calendar. Sophie had purchased a table gladly, and set up her allocated stall earlier that day. There were people selling locally grown fruit and vegetables, artisan cheese, olives and pickles, freshly baked bread, cakes, honey, there was the MC barbecuing burgers, and a hog roast. A real community affair. Sophie had loved the idea and had gladly jumped in on it.

“That’s the last of the double chocolate, I’m afraid, I have got some really nice salted caramel…” Sophie said, distractedly swiping hair out of her face as she scraped the last of the chocolate ice cream out of the vat and into a cone for a customer.

“Do you want a hand for a minute?”

Sophie looked up to see a woman smiling back at her. She was blonde, and had a leather jacket on. Black Coyotes MC. April. Sophie realized who this was, Colt’s wife and ol’ lady.

“Sure, thank you! Just help me clear the line and I’ll take a breather!” Sophie said appreciatively, watching as the woman rolled up the sleeves of her jacket and dug right in.

Sophie had been curious about the kind of woman who could handle a guy like Colt. April immediately squirted antibacterial hand gel on her hands, looked up at the snaking line of people, unfazed, and loudly called the next customer forward to serve them.

The two women worked in agreeable silence, taking the orders of the customers. Serving up cones and cups of ice creams. Occasionally April asked where more cones were, or more spoons, and Sophie shouted back, as they rushed to help everyone.

Finally, Sophie was finishing up the last customer. She took their money, and popped it into her change box with a smile.

“Phew, thank you for that, I was struggling.”

April smiled and squirted more gel on her hands, rubbing it in, smiling. “No problem, I’ve heard it tastes so good, and I’ve been dying to meet you. I’m April.” She extended her hand.

Sophie took it, smiling back.

“You seem to be doing well?” April asked, nodding to the empty vats of ice cream piling up behind the counter.

Sophie blew out a breath that ruffled her own hair. “Yes, it’s great, today has been popular. I had a slower start than I wanted but I’ve refined my flavors now… my little brother is due to join me soon for the summer and I must say I am looking forward to having the extra pair of hands!”

April nodded. “I’ve heard you are doing okay, starting a business is always an uphill struggle at first. If you need anything, come to the MC, we can always lend a hand.”
