Page 20 of Scarred Devil

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“Sto- Stop,” I whisper with a shaky voice. Everything around me starts to blur as my mind continues to focus solely on him. He runs his thumb on my parted lips, and I can’t help it as I let my tongue touch his thumb. I hear a deep growl before he pulls me flush against him. I become painfully aware of every inch of his hard body. His dick strains against my belly like hot branding iron.

“Can you feel that?” he says, but I’m unable to give him an answer. All sense of reason dissipates as he lowers his head until he is nuzzling my neck. How can I think straight while he’s breathing against my skin? Clearly, he is turning me into a puddle on purpose. “You can’t deny that you’re burning for me,” he says as his lips brush against my throat.

I close my eyes as he raises his head until his breath starts fanning my face. I swallow hard when his fingers caress the back of my neck while he gently delves his fingertips into my hair.

I can’t bring myself to stop him; all I can blame is my traitorous body. His lips are dangerously close to mine. It makes it difficult to concentrate. I’m aware of only him and nothing else.

What the fuck, Aurora?

The man’s a killer!

You saw it yourself!

How can you be attracted to him?

My senses scream, but there’s no escaping Lev Ivanov. So much for my plans about convincing him to cancel the deal. Every effort I’ve made to get out of this damn situation my father has forced me into has been a disaster. And the worst part about it all?

I might be starting to enjoy it.

Lev gently traces his lips to my ear, and I suck in a breath when he lightly bites my lobe. I almost cum on the spot. I wait for more, but it doesn’t come. It is at this point that I notice I’m no longer feeling the heat of his body. Slowly, I open my eyes and find Lev standing a few feet away from me with a smirk on his face.

Oh, God, what I would do to wipe that smirk off!

I clear my throat and straighten my dress as I try to get a hold of myself. My legs are shaking like a leaf. It is painfully clear at this point that I’m losing the battle. But I haven’t lost the war yet. Whatever is going to happen to me, there’s no way I’m going easy on him. I’m not one to go down without a fight.

“See? You can’t deny our chemistry. Now, why don’t you sit down and eat while we discuss our nuptials?” he says.

I can’t believe his arrogance!

A part of me wants to run away as fast as my feet will carry me. Another part knows it would be a very bad idea. The restaurant is heavily guarded by both my father’s men and Lev’s.

I almost can’t believe the depth of what I have gotten myself into. And the worst part? This man has awakened a sexual part of me I didn’t even know existed.

Of all the men in the world, why does it have to be Lev Ivanov?

My legs feel like rubber, so I have no option but to sit.

“Good choice,” Lev says, watching me. I wish I hadn’t let my guard down. I know he’ll never let me hear the end of it.

I turn my attention to my food, toying with it idly. Right now, it holds no interest to me. My mind continues to race as I try to figure out what the hell just happened to me.


My eyes burn as I enter the Rolls Royce hours later. I don’t want to glance at Lev as he waits outside the car, so I turn my head in the opposite direction. The last thing I want is to be reminded of how he’d taunted me with my body’s instinctive reaction to him… and how I’d been powerless to stop it.

I lean back against the headrest and release a long sigh, wondering how my life has turned out this way. How could I be condemned to a future with this demon? Being in this marriage will be like leaving one prison for another. Lev is just like my father, except he’s even more ruthless. I don’t even want to think about what the future holds for me.

Unhappy trophy wife, whose only function is to fulfill her husband’s demands.

Is this all that I deserve?

I’ve spent my life being neglected by my father. I have no doubt Lev will do the same. Then again, our discussion earlier has made it clear what he wants. A breeding machine to bear his children. He’ll discard me once I give him his heirs.

And then, I can go back to being alone again. Imprisoned in a world where I have no value aside from what these men decide I’m worth to them.

I angrily dash away tears with the back of my hand as the Rolls Royce pulls out of the restaurant’s parking lot. If only I had the power to change my fate.

At least I’m relieved to be away from Lev. Finally, I can be alone with my thoughts. The man left me…unbalanced. Though when has there ever really been balance in my world?

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