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“I think we should meet and talk,” I answer honestly.

“Okay,” Sebastian agrees instantly.

“Is lunch fine with you?” I ask him.

“Anything is fine. I would meet you this instant if you asked me to.” He says in a low tone.

Two weeks ago, I would have killed to hear him speak so cheesily to me. I can't help but think that he's only doing this, only sounding this way, because he's hurt me.

“There's a restaurant close to my apartment, Honeywell Diner,” I tell him, quickly rattling off the address.

“So, does 11 a.m. sound good?”

“Yes, please,” I answer.

Once we have concluded everything, I move back to the couch and settle on it. I just made plans to see Sebastian to determine the fate of the life growing inside of me. I know that I haven't fully made a decision. My hands circle my stomach, and I allow my head to fall back on the couch.

The hands pressed against my stomach feel nothing, but I'm aware that I'm not alone. Although my affair with Sebastian has not tuned out the way I expected, it has brought me this. I decide to keep the baby and love him or her with everything I am.

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