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“It is.”

There's a pause on both ends.

“I want you to take her back.”


“You heard me,” Sebastian says.

“That's not how it works, Mr. Vaughn. There are rules and policies. There are guidelines we have to follow.”

“Then follow them and reinstate Paislee. We both know she was wrongly terminated.”

“And that’s in the past. She has been replaced.” Mr. Beatles informs me.

“Are you hard of hearing?” I snap.

“I hear what you say quite well, Mr. Vaughn. I am telling you, however, that the entirety of your request is impossible.”

In anger I disconnect the call and pace the floor. I brought this whole issue upon myself and Paislee. What am I going to do? How will I win Paislee back?

* * *


“You have to eat something,” Meghan tells me worriedly. “It's been days.”

“I don’t think my stomach will hold anything,” I tell Meghan.

Sebastian's actions had made me not only emotionally traumatized but physically sick. I’ve been puking my guts out every morning and have been dizzy all day. Meghan was so worried that she brought some of her things over to stay with me. She has been with me through it all. Even holding my hands and whispering words of comfort.

It has been two weeks since Sebastian's gruesome betrayal. I still refuse to answer any of his calls. I cannot physically bring myself to do so. I still send his calls straight to voicemail. Even Meghan has tried to compel me to answer him but failed. The truth is, despite my anger and resentment toward him, I still miss him terribly. I miss Callie too. I just can’t get all that he has done out of my head.

I scramble to my feet and hurry to the bathroom where I dry heave. I did not have anything to eat today, so there is nothing left to puke. Meghan hurries in with me and is patting my back softly.

When I lean away and close my eyes, I hear her say, “Your morning sickness has been strange.”

“It has. I'm beginning to notice.”

“Maybe we should look more deeply into all the things we think Sebastian has done.”

I pop my eyes open to regard her.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, you had regular sex with him, right?”

I nod, looking away from Meghan's eyes.

“Did he use protection?”

My heart skips at Meghan’s question, and suddenly, I know where she's going with this. There may have been a few times Sebastian and I had not used protection. We did have enough sex for him to get me pregnant. It was a real possibility.

“Oh my God,” I mutter because I hadn’t even thought of that. I have been too busy nursing my broken heart to even realize I was pregnant. It makes sense that the morning sickness and dizziness is a result of pregnancy, and not Sebastian's vileness.

“Not all the time.” I finally whisper to Meghan, who quickly gets up and moves to the door.

“Where are you going?”

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