Page 65 of Don't Fall for Me

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“I didn't think so.” She reaches out and puts her hand on mine, the sadness in her eyes echoing the absolute despair I feel. “I don't want to talk about what happens when you're gone. Please, can we just focus on tonight and try to enjoy this?”


It's better this way, no matter how much it hurts. I don't know when I'll be home next.

I push the image of Claire married and pregnant to someone else out of my head. I wish her all the happiness in the world. She deserves everything she wants. Even if that isn't me.



“So, are you happy to have your big brother back?”

I smile at Mike. It's well past closing time and we're about to head out of the bar any second. I try not to think of what's coming next – can barely stomach the thought of what's happening tomorrow.

“Of course I'm happy to have him home.”

“Dylan says he's a bit overprotective of you.”

That makes me laugh. “Just a tad. Still, he's...the best big brother a girl could ask for.”

“And it's pretty cool he's dating Annabelle Rogers. Doesn't hurt that he can hook you up with Hollywood, right?”


Actually, I'm not so sure I like the idea of Austin and Annabelle. It doesn't help that I can remember Kara's slightly devastated and wounded expression when she found out. And Kara found out the hard way. She'd turned up at Brody's, all ready to give my brother hell and continue their almost war-like style of flirting and sexual tension, only to see Austin with Annabelle. I've never seen my friend look so crushed.

Kara recovered quickly, made some snappy comments and acted like she was happy for Austin, but I know better and I suspect Austin does too. Less than a week later, Kara was dating someone new and she says they're serious.

So much for Kara and Austin winding up together.

“Maybe Annabelle can hook you up with some kind of Hollywood heartthrob since Dylan is leaving, huh?”

From the compassionate look Mike gives me, I suspect I haven't disguised my utter devastation too well.

“I'm sorry, Claire. I didn't mean to upset you.”

“It's fine, honestly. I might just ask her if she knows any single actors.”

Not that they'd fit my list.

Then again, I'm not even sure how much of the list I'm keeping. It was missing some very important things, like someone I can have fun with, someone I can be myself with – someone I can fall for.

Mike's smile is strained as he stands there looking at me as if sensing my inner conflict. “I better get going before Dylan kicks my arse out of here.

I nod and snicker, trying to show him I'm okay.

Trying to prove to myself I'm okay.

“See you later, Mike.”

“I'll see you tomorrow.”

“You will.”

But after tomorrow...I'm not sure when exactly I'll see Dylan's housemate and co-worker again.

This Friday night, I've just worked my last shift at Brody's. I might not be on the books as staff, but under Dylan's tutelage, I've come to know as much about serving drinks as anyone else I've worked with. Proof of that is the way the guys respect me and consider me part of the team. I won't be joining them behind the bar again, though, because today was Dylan's last shift. Tomorrow is his going-away party – also at Brody's.

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