Page 59 of Don't Fall for Me

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“No, Claire,” Dylan says, putting his mug down and stepping towards Austin. “You were right about some things. You don't owe him an explanation. What you do isn't his business. And if he doesn't want to forgive me, then that's his choice.” His gaze is locked on my brother. “I wouldn't take it back even if I could.”

Austin surges out of his seat, knocking the table and spilling the coffee. I jump in between the two men before Austin tries to hit Dylan again. Clearly, talking to them both at the same time is not going to help. Dylan's words warmed me, but did he really mean them?

Does it matter?

I refuse to be the reason for the two men falling out. They need each other. Dylan and Austin have been like brothers from the moment they met.

I turn to Dylan and put my hands on his chest. “Would you mind disappearing for a bit? I need to catch up with my brother.”

The look he gives me is so protective and territorial it makes my stomach dip.

“Please,” I beg. “I need to speak to him.”

“I don't want to leave you alone with him when he's like this.”

“Are you fucking serious?” Austin shouts. “I'm her brother, for God's sake; I'm not going to hurt her. That's what you're going to do when you leave. Does she know? Does she know you're leaving?”

“She knows.”

My hands are still on Dylan's chest and I can feel the tension emanating off him. His glare locks on my brother. I feel like I'm holding back a force of nature as I hold my ground.

“I need time to talk to him, to explain things.”

Dylan looks at me. “I told you, you don't need to give him any explanation.”

“I know, but I want to. Please, Dylan. I'll call you later.”

I feel it the moment he agrees. He steps back and I relax slightly, no longer feeling like I'm trying to prevent a disaster from happening.

“I'll walk you out.”

Dylan nods, and I follow him to the front door.

“Take care of yourself. Don't take any of his shit,” Dylan says, leaning down to kiss me.

“I'll be fine,” I say when he pulls back. I'm more worried about Dylan and Austin. “I'll give you a call when we're done.”

I watch him get on his bike and wait until he revs the engine and takes off.

Taking a deep breath, I walk back to the kitchen. Austin is pacing back and forth, and when he sees me, he opens his mouth to say something, only to slam it shut and keep pacing. He's so angry he can't even speak to me, which is not a great sign. How am I going to get through to him?

Whatever it takes. I'll do whatever is needed to set things straight.



I'm tinkering with my bike in the driveway of the house I share with Mike when Austin rolls up.

I stand, brush my hands down my pants, wiping off the grease, and try to look like I'm not scared. I think I'm pulling it off. Mostly. Austin knows how to cause maximum damage in the shortest time possible. I've seen him bring some big, tough men to their knees.

But if I must go toe to toe with my best friend, I will for Claire. Losing my friendship with Austin is the highest price I've ever paid for anything, but I meant what I said earlier. Iwoulddo it all over again. Life is too short to have regrets. Of course, I will always regret fucking up my friendship with Austin, but I won't regret how it happened. Leaving this life and not knowing how Claire Chase tastes, feels, loves, would be a far bigger regret.

Austin gets out of his car and walks up to me.

“You can stop looking so shit-scared. I'm not going to hit you. I might think you deserve it, but I don't think Claire would forgive me if I gave you a black eye.”

I don't move, just wait to hear what's coming next. The man in front of me is like a brother to me, and under different circumstances, I'd be ecstatic to see him and have some time with him. Now I don't know if we'll ever be hanging out again.

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