Page 51 of Cowboy's Virgin

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“Alright, I guess this is goodnight then,” I said when we pulled up next to my car at the facility. We’d taken his truck to dinner, and now it was time for us to part ways for the night. At least, that’s what I thought when he put the car in park.

“So soon?” he asked.

“What else do you want to do?” I replied. “I mean, I think we pressed our luck enough with hooking up in the barn, I don’t know if I can get away with it in the parking lot. What about cameras?”

“There’s cameras?” he asked in surprise, and I laughed.

“Yes, there’s cameras. We’re a medical facility. We have to have cameras everywhere. It’s for accountability and liability and all that jazz,” I explained. “I would rather we didn’t, and I’m pretty sure no one watches them, but I can tell you that they’re there.”

“Are there cameras in the barn?” he asked, and I quickly assured him there were not.

“Just in the areas where we work with the horses. That’s it,” I said. “And the patients too, of course. I mean just in the common areas. Since it’s just staff who goes into the barn, there’s no need for cameras in there, and that’s always been fine with me. In fact, there were times when I would go to the barn when I worked here before so I had the chance to sit down and take a few breaths without my boss getting on me for it.”

“I can’t blame you there,” he told me. “And then you used the barn for a hookup session. I can’t tell you how sexy that is.”

She blushed. “Well, you know me. I’m a real freak in the sheets.”

“You’re getting there,” he said. “And I love it.”

“You’re teaching me all I know,” I replied. “So you better love it. I’m so inexperienced. I’m glad you have the patience for it.”

“Of course I do,” he said. “I know what it’s like to be new at something, and you’re not going to be good at anything overnight. I mean, you are pretty phenomenal in bed, but you know what I mean. I’m willing to work with you to help you get more confidence in what we’re doing. I don’t expect you to have it all down already.”

“I’m still figuring out what I even like,” I replied. “Besides you. I like you. I like the things you do to me. I’m glad you are, but I also am starting to get a taste for what I like that you do to me, and what I want you to do. There’s a growing list of things I have that I want to try, I just have to find the time to show you.”

“I really like the sound of that,” he said with a wide grin, and I felt another flush of red rushing to my cheeks. I was glad it was dark in the cab of the truck. He didn’t see how many times he was making me blush. It wasn’t that he was embarrassing me with what he was talking about, but he was getting me all kinds of turned on.

And the fact that he knew it and was turned on by it only made me more turned on, too. I could easily see myself doing some crazy shit to have the chance at being with him, though I was getting the impression from him he would never ask me to do a thing he wouldn’t do himself. And if I wasn’t comfortable with even that, then he would drop it and we would find something I was comfortable with doing.

He was the perfect gentleman, and I was happier than ever that I had chosen him to be the one to give my virginity to. If there were any doubts in my mind whether that was the right thing to do, I was confident now that it was, and I was going to continue to roll with it. I just didn’t like thinking about the future. I didn’t like not knowing if we were going to be together when he was done with Romeo.

He told me that he was going to have to come back to check on the horse, but that didn’t give me the peace of mind I got the impression he hoped it would. I still worried when Romeo was out in the field that would be the end of that. Cole would go back to his own ranch, and I would continue on here. I knew he liked the quietness of being away from the City, but all my friends were nearby, and I didn’t see myself moving any time soon.

And if he owned his ranch, who was to say he wasn’t going to tell me that he would rather be there, and he wasn’t willing to do long distance? It was just a couple of hours to get from one to the other, but I knew that could be tough, especially when we got into winter.

New England winters were the worst, and I didn’t know how we would be able to manage seeing each other when that happened. Of course, I knew I was borrowing trouble from the future. It was one of the things I often warned my clients to avoid doing. But, I knew firsthand how difficult it was.

The unknown was a difficult thing to embrace, even if I did encourage everyone to at least try.

“You want to get out of here?” Cole asked, breaking into my thoughts.

“Get out of here?” I cocked my head to the side at him.

“Sure,” he said. “Why not get one of the horses and go for a ride under the stars?”

“You want to do that?” I was still confused. Not that I wanted him to leave, but it did surprise me that he wanted to go through the effort of saddling up one of the horses so the two of us could go for a ride. That would take another hour at least, and he had work in the morning.

And so did I.

But, I wasn’t going to turn down an offer this good. Not when I was pretty sure this was the love of my life. I had to slow down in my heart, I knew that, but it was difficult when he was so amazing. He was everything I wanted in a man and then some, and I wasn’t ashamed to say so. It was fine for us to take the horse out on the trail. I was the one who managed that side of the facility anyway.

“Alright,” I said. “But you sure you want to go through the work of getting one dressed and undressed at the end of the ride?”

“Sure,” he said. “I don’t think you’ve had the pleasure of riding in the moonlight before, and I want to be the first person to show you how amazing that is.”

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