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“Just make yourself comfortable, why don’t you,” I scold, but I’m smiling.

“Mi casa, su casa,” Eric mutters, not bothering to pull his head out of the fridge. Rounding the kitchen island, I hip-check him out of the way and grab a container of leftover lasagna.

Grabbing two bottles of water, he settles on a stool while waiting for the food to warm. His necktie’s loose, and the top two buttons on his shirt’s undone.

“Shouldn’t you be at work?” I ask, sliding him his plate and taking a seat next to him.

He shrugs, picks up a fork, and shovels a huge bite into his mouth. “It’s hot. You should…” I try to warn him, but it’s too late. “…wait for it to cool down.” I chuckle at the wide eyes he’s making while breathing through his mouth. He’s such a dork.

Uncapping his bottle of water, I hand it to him, and he takes a few gulps. He scoops up another fork full, barely hesitating before shoving it into his mouth.

“One would think you never get to eat.”

“Not home-cooked food,” he mumbles through a full mouth.

“Anyway. Why are you here?” I haven’t heard from or seen Eric since that disastrous night, and to say that it’s been bugging me is an understatement. He’s Lucas’s friend first and foremost, but he’s also mine.

“I had a meeting that got canceled. And I wanted to see how you’re doing.”

I hesitate, picking at the edge of the label on my water bottle.

“Did you know?” It’s hard to ask, but I have to know. It would break me if he did, but at least I’d know where I stand with him.

He shakes his head, and the relief that fills me is enormous. “If I did, I would have punched some sense into him. How are you holding up?”

Shrugging, I concentrate on the label. I have a nice big piece peeled without tearing it.

He sighs, putting his fork down. “I don’t want to talk out of turn, but he’s been a mess. He’s been off at work. His drinking is out of control.”

“Yes, well, that’s not my problem anymore.”

“He misses you and Lizzy. He loves the both of you.”

“Why are you telling me this? He cheated on me, Eric. You don’t cheat on the person you love.”

“I know, I know. But I’ve known Lucas for a long time, and I think there’s more going on than what we know.”

“Why do you say that?”

“It’s just a feeling. Back in Uni, he said something to me that never made sense. I didn’t push him on it because he was drunk, and I knew it wasn’t something he’d say while sober. I’d completely forgotten about it, but then the other night happened, and it came back to me.”

“What did he say?” I’m breathless, desperate for anything that would help me make sense of it.

He shakes his head, his expression firm. “It’s not my place to say. And I don’t really know anything. You might not believe me, but Lucas does love you, and I know there’s more to it.”

I sigh, once again frustrated. “Look, he’s your friend, and I know you want to believe the best of him. I get it. But sometimes people just do shitty things.”

He shakes his head while I’m still talking.

“There’s more to this. I know it.”
