Page 55 of Incomplete

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Tears burned her eyes. “I thought I’d lost you. After Hershey, I thought I’d lost you.”

“You’ll never lose me; I’ll always be here.” His voice was low and raspy.

She leaned closer and dropped her voice, “I love you.”

Gage smiled at her, leaning into the table, and whispered, “I wanna fuck you so bad, but I don’t think we have the time.” He chuckled.

“And with Thanksgiving in two days, sneaking away is going to be hard this week.”

Gage nodded, not wanting to agree, but it was the truth. “What about Friday?”

Her body warmed. Her kids would be home, but they usually hung with friends and she and Candice did their Black Friday shopping, but this year, Candice would understand if she ditched her. “Yes, I can make it work.”

“Good.” He grinned then shot her a wink and asked, “Wanna go make out in my truck?” His lips tipped up in a sly grin.

Her hand flew in the air. “Check please.”


“We always go shopping. It’sour thing, Tilly.” Candice’s shrill voice had Tilly pulling her phone from her ear. Turkey had been consumed, some even indulged in seconds. Her family was in the living room passed out from all the food. Tilly was in her office, looking out at the light snow falling.

“I know. I’ll make it up to you.”

“You’re going to see him, aren’t you?” Her tone accusatory.

Tilly thought about lying, but she was doing enough of that. “Yes. I am.”

“You’re going to ditch me for a fuck.”

Anger stirred, not just at Candice’s tone, but her words. “He’s more than that.”

“He’s married,” Candice bit out. “And so are you.”

“Thank you for pointing that out.”

“Don’t you think you’ve run this affair as far as it should go?”

Tilly stood, her anger growing stronger. Candice didn’t seem to have a problem with Gage when it didn’t impact her. When it did, all of a sudden, it was a problem.

“He isn’t a fuck, and it isn’t just an affair, Candice.”

Candice snapped, “So then do something about it. You can’t have your cake and eat it too.”

Tilly couldn’t stop the laugh because those words from Candice, talk about hypocritically. “Coming from the woman who coined the phrase.”

“We’re not talking about me.”

“I am doing something about it, but it has to be handled with care because there are more involved than just him and me.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Candice demanded.

Normally, Tilly would share exactly what she meant, but with the push back she was getting from Candice, the unveiled hostility, she wasn’t inclined to. “It means, like I said, it’s more than an affair.”

“I said it before, and I’m saying it again. You’re playing with fire and when this blows up in your face, I won’t be above telling you I told you so.”

There was a knock on the door. “Mom, can we have pie now?” Justin asked.

Tilly ran a hand through her hair, calling back to Justin. “Yes, I’ll be right there.” She waited to hear his footsteps move down the hall before she hissed to Candice, “It feels really good to know you have my back. If this blows up in my face, don’t worry, I won’t need you to throw it in my face because I’ll be picking up the pieces of my life.” She hung up without waiting for a reply.

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