Page 54 of Never Let Go

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The first was the pair of infrared goggles that he now put on, fastening them tightly and making sure they were securely in place.

The second was the light switch.

Without those faint lights, this place would be plunged into utter blackness. He knew how dizzying, how disorienting, and how terrifying that would be. He'd experienced it before. There, deep down underground, there wasn't a shred of light to be seen.

Smiling, he snapped the switch off.

"I'm coming for you," he whispered.

Holding the knife, he stepped out of the room and began to pace down the corridor, keeping his footsteps utterly silent.


May’s adrenaline spiked at the whispered warning. She was flooded by a visceral terror because this was like the worst nightmare she could ever imagine.

He was coming toward her, in the pitch dark, while she stood, dizzy, vulnerable, and helpless. Where was he coming from? How did the woman know this?

And then, through her panic, she began to think coherently. Slivers of clarity began to pierce the confusion.

If he was coming for her, he must be able to see her. That meant he must be wearing infrared goggles or have some form of infrared capability to see in the dark.

But at that moment as she thought that, she felt a hand grab at the belt on her hip.

May shouted in panic, twisting away, turning to chop at the invisible attacker with her hand, as hard as she could. In the pitch dark, she heard him shout with anger and heard something thump down to the floor.

It was her gun! He’d grabbed it from her belt, but she’d managed to knock it out of his hand before he could use it. However, he might have another weapon and he would be ready to attack with it, fast.

Retreating at speed, backing away, May knew she needed to counteract the advantage he now had.

She reached for the small flashlight on her belt and took it out, fast. Her hand was shaking so badly it took her two tries to activate the flashlight as she stumbled blindly away.

It turned on, and the blaze of light felt dazzling.

She blinked in the gloom, gasping in a breath as she saw the figure looking ahead of her. He was tall, solid, threatening. Andthe light gleamed off the blade of the knife he was holding. The knife that had come within an inch of slashing into her.

But the light was his enemy, it had saved her—for now. He recoiled away from it, as if it hurt. Angrily, he ripped off the goggles pulling them down around his neck, and he lunged for her.

He was frighteningly fast, impossibly strong.

His knife hand lashed out. May leaped back, desperate, knowing that if that wicked looking blade caught her, it would rip open her skin.

It didn't catch her, but it was so close that the blade caught the edge of the flashlight in her hand. The blade bit into the rubber casing, and the light was wrenched from May's hand and went clattering down the passage.

It didn't break, although it dimmed. And now the beam was facing away from them, and they were in semi darkness, with weird, looming shadows around. And he was on the offensive. On the attack. He leaped forward again with a snarl of rage, and May stumbled back. She had nothing to defend herself with, nothing at all. Could she find something? Was there anything that could help at all?

There was something, down by her feet, near the door where she’d gotten that whispered, lifesaving warning. As he lunged again, she ducked and grabbed it.

It was a hammer. Maybe he'd been doing repairs and left it there. A hammer wasn't much against an attacker with a knife and a massive reach, but it was something.

May grabbed the wooden handle, her breath pumping in and out of her chest. This was like a deadly dance as he prepared to strike again with the knife. But she was ready this time, and she raised the hammer, swinging it with all her strength, and she felt it connect with him as she leaped back to avoid the deadly thrust.

The hammer glanced off his hand, and he hissed in pain.

She'd gotten to him, but once was not enough. He had too much of an advantage. Height, weight, reach, and weaponry, and he knew this territory. She needed backup, and fast. One thing she could do, was shout. Was there anyone nearby who could help her? Were any of the police here yet? Perhaps she could alert them.

"We’re here! Inside!" May yelled at the top of her voice and saw him flinch. She guessed that in this dark labyrinth filled with shadows and fear, it had been a long time since he'd heard anyone shout aloud.

Now, from the doors that were almost invisible in the corridor, she could hear noises. Women were screaming for help. The prisoners were trying to sound the alert. She could hear their voices, piercing, terrified, cutting the silence. They hammered on the walls. She heard the clanging of steel as they tapped the girder.

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