Page 53 of Never Let Go

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"I was too slow, I didn't do it in time. Now, we'll all pay," he breathed, seeing his worst nightmare play out in front of his eyes.

He'd watched her come in on the screens. Breathing deeply, his fists clenched, knowing she was a cop, and that cops were like a plague. Where there was one, there would soon be more.

But for now, there was only one, and that meant he still had a chance, surely, before more arrived?

The survivalist’s mind rushed through the options available to him now, those that he needed for his own survival and for theirs.

He could seal this entrance off. He had planned to do so anyway. If he did it right, it would look as if it was nothing but an old, abandoned passageway where the concrete had caved in, resulting in a dead end. It would seem to them that she must have tried to go in and then turned back.

There was another entrance, a longer tunnel, that he'd built for exactly that reason and now, he could use it. That was better hidden. So, even as anger flared inside him, he realized he was feeling calm. Feeling prepared. He knew what he must do.

He flicked through the screens as he watched her, and he knew the time was coming for her to make a decision that would make the inevitable kill easy or just a bit more challenging.

Step by step she'd paced up the passage as he waited, willing her to turn right. Turn right, please, turn right. If you turn right, you will come to me. Right, led straight to his living quarters. Right would send her walking into his clutches like a fly into a trap.

He'd waited, holding his breath as she had hesitated.

And then, he'd let out an angry sigh as she had turned left. Nothing was working for him here. It felt as if his luck had run out, and his plans were collapsing around him.

"Plans are as good as you make them. Contingency plans are there for a reason," he reminded himself in a hissed whisper. He didn't like the panic in his tone.

He took a moment to calm himself, looking up, forcing the messy chaos in his head to sharpen. For a while, this was difficult. It had felt as if his thoughts were too fragmented, asif they had dissolved into chaos and that he'd never be able to think coherently again.

But, with the crisis at hand, he finally found he was able to focus. He breathed and felt the chaos recede.

"I've come back from worse than this," he reminded himself, and felt his heartbeat slow. There had been worse times when he was younger. He'd come close to death at his father's hands, he knew this.

He remembered how it had felt on the day he'd finally turned the tables and killed the old man. He'd done it to save himself. And it had felt good.

All he needed was to do the same again.

Now, he had a similar job to do. He would punish her for breaking into his world. He had planned this so carefully. He had worked so hard toward it. There was no way he was going to let her sabotage it when he was so close to success.

Especially since he did have a way to stop her.

His thoughts finally focused, changing from muddled and disordered into a sharp, clear path that was guided by fury and the need to kill.

He was surprised at how confident he felt now. He realized he felt much calmer than he had in a long time.

"I need to keep on top of this now. I need to do what must be done," he muttered, feeling sure that he would succeed.

She had turned left down the tunnel, and that meant that she was on a collision course with his assets. He had them hidden there. The door was easy to open from the outside. He'd made it that way, because when he brought in a new one, he hadn't wanted to struggle with it.

But from the inside, he'd adjusted the doors to make them impossible to open.

His assets were safe. They couldn’t get out. And he would keep them safe by killing her before she got in.

The survivalist considered his choices.There were various methods he could use. He needed the element of surprise. And he wanted this to be quiet. He had guns, but although they could be used in an emergency, they were rifles, and not ideal for close range, indoor use. In this cramped concrete environment, with its twisting tunnels, there was also the chance of a ricochet. His guns were meant for afterward, to be used for hunting and for defense outside. Of course, if she had a handgun, he could always take it from her. That would work.

For indoor use, he had a selection of knives, including the ultra-sharp one with the shiny steel blade that he had been planning to use later on the new asset.

Now, he would have a chance to use it earlier, and he smiled as he looked at it positioned on the wall.

He took it down.

The element of surprise would make this kill successful, and he had that planned out too.

It consisted of two simple parts.

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