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“About time. Did you rip him a new one? Because by the look on his face you did,” Mr Dweller asks Caleb, and I lift my head back up to see him smirking.

“Something like that. Fucking wanker,” Caleb fumes, and I try to figure out what the hell is happening here. “But don’t worry, I kept it professional, of course.”

“Oh, of course.” Mr Dweller chuckles, and then the lift opens and I’m being guided inside by Caleb, with Mr Dweller following us.

“Wait… you’re not mad at him for telling my boss what’s what?” I question, unable to stop myself.

“Of course not. I’ve known this guy since college, so I have a pretty good idea of what was said in there.”

“I am so confused,” I say as I lean my back against the lift.

“Well, then let’s go and grab some lunch and we can fill you in,” Mr Dweller says, as if this is an everyday occurrence and we’re just going through the motions.



Cameron sits there, completely stunned by this turn of events, and to be honest, I am too, but more when it comes to Danny than anything else. He’s totally lost control. I saw the look in his eyes, the hate, the anger, the lack of respect for anyone, including himself, but I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. His mother is the same, and she’s passed all of her bad shit onto him. It pains me as his father, but until he gets help, I can only do so much. I know I need to speak with him and try to do something, but right now, I need to fix the broken woman sat in front of me.

But even broken, she’s beautiful.

“Here we go,” Anthony says as he places our drinks on the table and takes a seat next to me, with Cameron sat opposite us.

“Thank you,” she says in a quiet voice as she takes a sip and pins us both with her questioning eyes.

“I guess this is the part where you get to interrogate us,” Anthony says, nothing but amusement in his voice.

“I don’t even know where to start at this point,” she says with a shrug, and I guess it really has been a whirlwind since I stormed back into her life—and her mine.

“Well, let me kick off by saying, I don’t judge what happened back there,” Anthony tells her. “I mean, we’ve all had drama at work, and it’s par for the course of life.”

I roll my eyes and Anthony chuckles. “Do you always have to try and sound so…”

“Wise?” Anthony interjects.

“Not what I was going to go with,” I mutter, and he laughs.

“Anyway, this guy has been on my radar for years, and he used to work for me before, but then he left, and now he’s back,” Anthony continues, and I see that Cameron looks more confused than ever.

“Left?” she questions, and Anthony has the decency to clamp his mouth shut for the moment.

I clear my throat, ready to drop another bomb on her. “Yeah. I moved away a few years ago and have only recently moved back to the area.”

“How long ago?”

“Three years.”

“Oh… I see,” she says, but I’m not sure if she really does. It’s okay though, I’ll explain why to her when we’re on our own, because believe me, we will be on our own at some point, away from all the drama that seems to surround us.

“And at the risk of making things more awkward, Anthony knows… about me and you,” I say, feeling a little awkward myself.

“I figured,” she says with a soft smile.

“Moving swiftly on,” Anthony begins. “Tell me how mad your boss is going to be when you go back in there tomorrow.”

Cameron scoffs. “You have no idea. I’m really looking forward to it.” Ah, there’s that sassy sarcasm that I have a preference for.

“Well, how about I throw this at you… Why don’t you swing by our offices this afternoon and I’ll introduce you to our marketing department, or more specifically, to look at the new ad section I’m thinking of devising?”

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