Page 9 of Mistletoe Kisses

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She stood up quickly, brushing away their embrace. “Yeah, super fun. I think I’ve had enough th—”

In her haste to get out of the sled, her boot slipped on an icy patch, and she went flying forward. Eric moved heaven and earth to be there, and she fell into his arms. He held her close, tightening the skin against her neck. It had long since healed, but the skin was still new and tender. She held a hand to it as it burned. Something had split open.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, helping her to her feet. Eric held her mittened hands with gloved ones, but leather or even steel didn’t take away the meaning. He was worried about her. Did he pity her? Her stomach turned at the thought.

Dropping his hands, she took a step back. “I’m fine, but I need to go. My scar, I think it ripped open.”

His eyes widened and more concern and pity flooded them, churning the sick even more. “Wha—okay, what do you need? Should I run and get my car? Do you need to go to the hospital?”

She shook her head. “Nah, it’s not that urgent, and it was only a small slip. My skin is just thin and sensitive there. It happens a lot.”

“I feel so bad. If I hadn’t—”

She smirked. “If you hadn’t what? Slipped? That was all me.” She was ready to stop seeing those eyes, so full of concern. “Can you take the sled back for me? That would be a big help.”

He took it away in one easy swipe. “You got it. Can I walk back with you?”

As her roommates clamored around her, emotion clawed at her throat over all the extra attention. “I’m fine, really. Please go play. One Band-Aid, and I’ll be right as rain.”

Well, and some glue too. She didn’t take any chances.

By the time she got back to the bathroom, her pain had increased, and she skipped taking a shower, though she was sweaty from the run. Instead, she pulled out her kit, the same one she’d been given when she’d left the hospital. It had emergency glue, thick bandages that were waterproof for days, and extra strength pain relief. The box hadn’t come out for a while, but she also hadn’t sledded down hills for fun in a while.

The split was one inch long and shallow enough that it had stopped bleeding, but she’d have to be careful and wear clothes that wouldn’t tug on it. She showered quickly, washing off the sweat and sting of the morning, then headed to her room to get into a new pair of pajamas. Her roommates were in the front room talking loudly. Their social part of the week had just begun, but for her, it was the end. It was a study-only day, and she’d exerted herself a sufficient amount of time to call it a successful one. Her counselor would be proud.

A knock sounded on the front door. “Can you get it, Holly?” Diane called to her. “I’m getting dressed.”

“Aimee?” Holly called out. There was no way she was going to open the door in PJs with mistletoe hanging from the doorway.

“I can’t,” Aimee said. “I just got out of the shower, and I’m changing. Get it, and don’t forget to kiss their cheek.”

Her voice shook. “Are we expecting anyone? What if it’s Eric and you miss the chance to kiss him?”

“Just go check it,” Aimee said, thumping into the wall. Without seeing, Holly knew Aimee had sped up her process. If only she could walk slowly to the door, maybe Aimee would beat her there.

The knocks started up again, and Holly finally left the vanity area.

A kiss on the cheek was no big deal. She’d done worse in high school. She did a death march to the door and shot a glance toward the window, but the guy was sufficiently hidden behind the door. Please be Cameron or Justin... or Eric.

Her heart raced at the thought of Eric behind the door. “Who is it?” Diane called, joining her in the room. Aimee followed a few seconds later, completely breathless. Holly grabbed for the doorknob, but didn’t turn it.

“What are you waiting for?” Aimee asked. “Open it.”

Just as Aimee stepped toward her, Holly wrenched the door open. It was Collin, their neighbor across the way, the creepiest guy in the apartment complex.

“Do you have any sugar?” he asked.

“Do it,” Aimee called. “That was a perfect segue.”

Why had it been her?

“You don’t have to if you don’t—” Diane started to say, but Aimee cut her off.

“Yes, she does. Let’s go, Holly.”

Collin looked between the three of them. “Did I miss something?”

Without speaking, Holly pointed above them to where the mistletoe hung and kissed the guy on the cheek before he could speak. His skin felt oily underneath her lips. She backed away and grabbed the door with one hand. “No sugar here. Have a good day.” She was glad he stepped back, because at that moment, she flung the door shut and locked it.

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