Page 99 of Culture Shock

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I hadn’t had much to work with, but decided against trying to defend myself. It would be futile to try and change her mind.

We made our way along the hundreds of rows of seats until we neared the front. Two empty chairs were waiting for us and we sat down.

“How did you manage to not only get front row seats, but keep them reserved?” I questioned, leaning over to her.

“I’m a con ninja. Don’t worry about it. It’s about to start, shhh.”

I did as I was told and the lights began to dim. It was less than a minute before the emcee came out and proudly announced that we were at the cosplay competition.

Confusion hit me, but at this point, I didn’t want to get berated by E anymore. She could be sort of scary. So I kept my questions to myself and waited.

I had never attended a competition before, but by the time the first two categories had been on stage and judged, I was hooked.

Next up was the Movies and TV category. Each contestant was impressive in their craftsmanship and their performance. It gave me a new appreciation for our costume departments.

There was one last contestant in the category and beside me, E squirmed in her chair.

“And last up ladies and gentlemen, we have Lucy L!” he shouted.

Wait…it couldn’t be.

But there she was, confidently strutting on to the stage, baring alotof skin. My cheeks flushed at the sight of her while everything below my belt took notice in a much different manner.

“Lucy spent a total of seventy-three hours on her accurate rendition of Princess Leia,” the emcee announced. “Worbla was used to create the illusion of the metal on both bikini pieces, while polymer clay was used on the choker, arm band and cuff. The boots were constructed using a suede fabric and the skirt is made of a silk blend material.”

Having been intent on every detail about each previous contestant, I was no longer listening to the obnoxious man as he described Lucy’s cosplay. I was wholly focused on her. A glimmer of hope shot through me as bits and pieces began to fall into place.

E demanding my attendance tonight.

The front row seating.

Lucy cosplaying as my first fictional crush.

I placed my hand over my mouth as the noise surrounding us began to register. Whistles and immense cheers rang in my ears. Part of me wanted to storm the stage and cover her while another feeling of taking on anyone that cat-called her flooded me.

But then I looked to Lucy on the stage, smiling and posing. She was scanning the audience. When her eyes found mine, her face faltered. It was imperceptible to anyone watching, but I saw the change in her demeanor. She was relieved to see me and she flicked her head slightly motioning for me to join her backstage when she was done.

But for the time being, I held her gaze, and she mine. We were locked in a game where our future was held in the balance; if one of us looked away, it felt like it would all come crashing down. Again.

The emcee cleared his throat. “Let’s hear it for Lucy L!” It was her cue to exit the stage and taking the hint, she ran and disappeared behind the curtain.

That’s when I shot out of my chair, leaving E in the dust. There was too much at stake; I needed to see Lucy and it had to be now.

Right as I was hitting my stride, an oblivious man stepped in front of me, blocking the narrow path between the chairs and the curtain. He looked over his shoulder and apologized with a smile, while he let a small group of people out.Was this really the best time for a bathroom break, folks?If this was the universe trying to stop me from getting to Lucy, I would have none of it.

The outer walls were draped in the curtains, so there was no pulling them back and slipping away unseen. I had to get to the stage area and push my way to the back. Eventually, I made it.

“Can’t go back there,” a gruff man warned as I made it obvious that it was my intention to pass him. And for once—not that I was proud of it—I pulled the cap off my head and stared at him, using my celebrity status.

Nodding, he let me through and finally I was backstage.

Lucy was surrounded by a small gaggle of cosplayers, each of them praising her for her performance and admiring the workmanship on her outfit.

And then she spotted me.

A few people recognized me, nodding in understanding. As cliché as it was, everyone around us began to fade away, acknowledging that privacy was what we needed. Rustling of fabric and dull squeaking of foam died out as people shuffled out of the space.

We were alone.

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