Page 85 of Culture Shock

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“Try piping down, why don’t you,” E scolded. She leaned toward me and continued, “You’re rather loud…like, more than normal.”

“You try piping down,” I retorted, though it was honestly just something to say. She was obviously poised and calm as always.

She stared again, this time it was laced with pure bitchiness. “You done? Because I’m happy to play musical chairs again,” she threatened.

My hair was down and it felt smothering. Pulling it back in a ponytail, I answered, rather reluctantly. “Am I ever done…?” I winked for good measure. This time, I was met with silence. “Right. Well…so, how have you been…?”

“Really? We’re doing this?” E had the audacity to sound irritated.

“What? I haven’t talked to you since you found me on the bathroom floor.” Sensing Nosey Nancy in front of us, I nipped that old broad in the bud. “—FOOD POISONING, mkay?” She exhaled aharumph, letting me know her level of irritation.

E took out her phone and began to scroll through her emails. “I’m fine.”

When she didn’t elaborate, I stepped up to the plate. “Well, I’m glad you’re fine. I’m sure Liam has a lot to do with that.” I meant it as a completely innocent comment, underlined with the fact that I was even happy for her. But it came out unintendedly snarky.

“You better not go there, Luce,” she warned.

I was just trying to make conversation…I would have to work on my delivery.

So, I focused on my surroundings. Since there was so much leg room, I crossed my legs, tapping my toe.

One of the flight attendants came by, offering refreshments. “Champagne, warm towel, snacking nuts…?” he asked, professionally.

“Deez nuts,” I muttered.

“Oh my god, Lucy!” E switched her phone off, and addressed the attendant. “You’ll have to excuse her, she’s a little out of sorts. Two waters and some crackers if you have them,” she smiled. “Thank you.”

“I can order for myself,” I told E. “I’m not a child.”

That was followed up with a look that said otherwise. “Just eat your crackers and sip your water. Maybe read or watch a movie?” she suggested.

I tried. I was too distracted to focus on even ten minutes ofNew Girl, I scanned through my onlinePeoplemagazine, bored by the diet tips that Jennifer Aniston swore by, and I knew with several hours of the flight left, my best option would be to watch a movie.

But I just couldn’t.

I switched to sitting cross legged and sighed. E was reading a paperback (honestly who did that anymore?), engrossed in the murder mystery she had started.

I ran my palms up and down my thighs.

“Remember that time we stayed with Aunt Jenny and she showed us how to make desserts?” I recalled to E, turning slightly to face her.

She made no move to lower her book, but answered regardless. “Yes. And you got the melted chocolateeverywhere, remember that?”

I did. It was delicious. And messy.

I snickered. “And remember how we were all lined up at the counter and she said that we’d be more productive if we sang a song? I still don’t know how that helped, but it was fun,” I remembered fondly.

“It was a sea shanty song, Luce. The rhythmic nature of it helps get you in a groove and keep you efficient and productive.” Her book dropped in her lap and her lips clamped shut, making a thin white line in the middle of her face.

“Don’t worry,” I nudged her. “I won’t sing it.”

Her face relaxed a little and finally settled after a moment of silence on my part.

“And then remember when Aunt Jenny had to help Uncle Hank with something and when she left you dared me to eat some of the peanut butter balls we were dipping?” It had been the best part, tasting the fruits of our labor.

It was the first time E cracked a smile. “Yeah, and you stuffed like six of them in your mouth and looked like a damn squirrel. You chewed as fast as you could to make room and then you just kept stuffing them in your pie hole!” She giggled this time, recalling the absurdity of how I looked.

“My record was nine at a time, to be exact,” I corrected. “And if memory serves me correctly, you ate your fair share too…”

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