Page 78 of Culture Shock

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Maybe we both knew it. As the last day dwindled into hours before Jake had to leave, denial circled us like a pack of hungry wolves, ready to pounce and shred our beautiful newness.

It was wonderful. It was perfect. But it couldn’t last. Jake’s flight to Long Island was five hours before mine and though he insisted on changing my ticket, I declined.

I told myself the time apart was needed, though I knew I’d miss him. The absurdness of that notion weighed heavy on me; how could I miss someone whom I saw every day and spent every night with, when not even half a day were to separate us? My heart wanted to go with him, but a small, rational voice in my head scoffed at the idea.

As it turned out, the world continued to spin, we each survived, but our reunion was something I hadn’t expected.

Work proceeded as usual, but the days were filled with knowing looks, secrets unspoken, and a desire for Jake that I hadn’t ever expected.

We fell into a routine, making an appearance at dinner each night, putting in an acceptable amount of social time with E and the other con guests.

But when dinner was over, Jake and I got lost in each other. Our time in Chicago had been about scratching an itch; this time around it was pure indulgence.

Time kept its regular pace, but when Jake and I were together at night, it was slowed down. There wasn’t the ever-lingering pressure that accompanied the first time, there was no need to prove anything—we already had. We were compatible, no doubt, so we took our time.

Jake was beginning to show me that intimacy was multifaceted. Foreplay had become our favorite pastime. I always thought it was a waste of time, more concerned with chasing the big O.

But Jake was like a decadent dessert, one that held such richness that you were better off savoring it slowly.

He was also attentive. It was easy to see that Jake was a nice guy, but the longer I was around him, it became obvious that he always put the needs of others ahead of his own. Opening the door for a guest at a hotel. Refilling E’s wine glass at dinner. Bringing me a Sprite after an autograph session. They were all small things, but together as a whole, it made Jake a hell of a nice person.

So, it was every night back in his room where he’d pour me a drink, lay out snacks for us and eventually end up touching me somehow. Holding my hand. Rubbing his knee against mine. Toying with the end of my braid. Inevitably it ended with us making out like we were teenagers, going as far as we could before we actually had sex.

Sometimes I’d sit on Jake’s lap, his shirt off, me in my bra, and we’d just kiss. There was no need to rush. An orgasm was the icing on the cake and it was something we both knew would eventually happen.

Other nights consisted of massages. Others, bubble baths.

Whatever I had with Jake was foreign, though. Things had always been casual in the past, light and non-committal. It was always easier, less messy and my heart thanked me whenever a relationship ended.No loose stringswas my motto.

But as easy as it was to be with Jake, I couldn’t help but think of how this could ever continue. He was a movie star for God’s sake. He would be on location for months at a time, and where was anyone’s guess.

And me? I didn’t do anything long term. I was a free spirit that went where my work took me. And that was fine with me; I enjoyed it. My life had been rich and full before Jake entered it.

But if that were true, then what could be said when I looked forward to waking up beside him every morning? Or how I’d grown accustomed to his breathing while he slept? Or how each day just seemed a little brighter because of him?

I didn’t have an immediate answer, but if anything, I knew what had to happen.

Chapter 25


Long Island

“So, what areyou and Lucy doing tonight?” Liam asked between fans. He and I were doing a joint photo op on a different floor from Lucy and I thought it was odd that he kept his question quite benign. But before I could answer, he remarked, “You know…besides each other.”Thereit was.

I just shook my head. “Nothing that I know of, we haven’t been able to talk much today,” I admitted.

A group of three filtered in, cosplaying as our characters and Vider. We did a typical superhero pose and they were ecstatic. And like parts in a well-oiled machine, they were gone and we waited the seconds before the next set came.

We were nearing the end of the day and I could tell the line was toward the end, even without seeing it.

Once we wrapped up, I lobbed my own question his way. “And what are you and E planning this evening? Are you going to wine and dine her?”

Liam’s pupils dilated slightly at the thought and he rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “No plans are the best plans, my friend. But from the sounds of it, my evening is stacking up to be better than yours.”

How he came to that conclusion, seeing as neither of us had anything set in stone, was beyond me. I filed it away in the ‘Liam Logic’ box and fake punched him in the arm while we waited for the service elevator to take us back to our rooms.

Shuffling in, we were subjected to the back where our two body guards for the day stood in front of us, acting as visual blockers, keeping our whereabouts as lowkey as possible. So, because of them, I wasn’t able to see at first who was shouting to keep the doors open, but I saw each of the guys stiffen at the request.

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