Page 75 of Culture Shock

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I kissed her quickly on the nose and reached for the remote. Lucy started naming off the types of pizza she wanted next as the famous words started scrolling on the screen.

“Shhh,” I hushed. “We’re about to enter a galaxy far, far away…”

Chapter 24



I’d arrived inevery new city usually late Wednesday night. This time, however, I arrived in Boston on Tuesday morning, which gave me almost two whole days to do whatever I wanted.

Jake and everyone else arrived the previous day.

The skyline was impressive while I stole a glance over the balcony in my room before hopping in the shower.

My phone rang. I was in the process of undressing and I almost tripped, hobbling over to answer it with my leggings halfway down my legs.

“Well, hello,” I greeted. “You just caught me—I was about to shower.”

I heard Jake inhale a sharp breath. “Are you trying to tempt me,” he mused. “I’ll keep it quick, then,” he promised, switching to a matter-of-fact tone. “I was hoping you didn’t have plans today…I wanted to take you on a day trip of sorts. You know,” he proceeded, “a beautiful drive south along the coast, scenic stops along the way, fresh seafood…”

“Luring me in with the food, I see.”

Jake’s laughter drifted through on speaker phone. “So, that’s a yes?”

“Of course, give me a half hour.”

“Perfect. I’ll meet you at your room then.”

We hung up after I gave him my room number.

I just finished a fishtail braid when there was a knock at the door.

“Well don’t you look delicious,” I told him. Jake was wearing a pair of jeans and a retro tee. He had a mesh-backed cap on and a pair of aviators hanging at the neckline of his shirt.

He flashed me that megawatt smile of his as his eyes roamed me from head to toe. “You look good enough to eat as well. Are you ready?”

I looked around the room, grabbing my bag.

“Do you have a hat or something you could wear?” he asked, taking in my braid and loose face-framing pieces of hair.

“Um, I think so, hang on and let me grab it.” I went for my suitcase and began rummaging. “Aha! Here it is. Are we doing the undercover look today?”

At my question, he held up his hand and jingled a set of keys. “Not really. I rented a convertible and it’ll be pretty windy. I hope that’s ok with you?”

Wow. A convertible to drive down the Massachusetts coast? The best company in the world beside me?Andthe promise of seafood? I’m pretty sure I hit the lottery today.

“More than ok,” I beamed.

Less than ten minutes later, we exited the parking garage. Soon, the urban sprawl of the city eventually gave way to tree lined sections of the two-lane highway. It was still well before noon, but the sun was bright and warm in an endless blue sky. I was happy Jake had recommended me grabbing a hat; a bird’s nest would not have been a good look.

Every so often salty hints of the bay would drift past me, reminding me of home. But at that moment, there was nowhere I’d rather be than beside Jake with the passing road reflecting in his glasses while he wore a look of complete contentedness.

This must be a literal escape for him. I know he was adamant about how much he loved what he did and the cons were always such fun for him. I’d give him that.

His shoulders were currently at ease though, the rugged lines around his eyes were minimal, and his bottom lip was now full and plump, no longer worried between his teeth. It glistened in the bright sunlight and it made me want to kiss him.

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