Page 72 of Culture Shock

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“Oh, hey.” Lucy’s voice was laden with sleep, soft and quiet with a hint of a rasp, like gliding your finger down the back of a satin gown before hearing the delicate grate of the zipper.Her lips were still swollen from our kisses, and they curled up at the corners. Dainty fingers walked across my chest, pebbling my heated skin with goosebumps.

But like everything with Lucy, the dichotomy of sensations and emotions wasn’t lost on me. Her nearness made me warm, while her touches caused pinpricks of iciness to break out over my body. Her professionalism gave way to unrestrained abandon. She was equal parts carefree and determined.

Lucy was easy to like. She was easy to be around and perhaps it had been our time apart, but I was realizing I didn’t want to be away from her much at all.

“Did you sleep well?” I couldn’t help indulging myself by running my fingers up and down her silken arm.

“Hmm mmm. You?”

“Haven’t napped like that since I was in college,” I chortled.

Lucy sat up, clutching the sheet to her chest. I wish she didn’t; her breasts were an absolute sight to behold. “That’s because you’ve never had me beside you,” she flirted. “I’m going to go shower. She stood, the sheet trailing behind her like a ship-wrecked Ariel. “You can join me if you’d like…”

There was no way I’d refuse that offer. I made a quick call and ordered room service before I made my way into the bathroom. Steam was already rising from the glass door, curling and snaking its way through the space like a serpentine fog.

“I hope you’re not boiling your skin off in there,” I teased, finally able to make out her form through the denseness. “I rather like it.”

She didn’t skip a beat. “Why don’t you come in and find out.” I liked bossy Lucy.

Stepping in, I reached my arms out and pretended to find her. “Marco?”

The cascading water went from a muted clap to an abrupt tattoo.

“Polo,” she giggled, her voice further away. Continuing the charade, she took my outstretched hands in hers, pulling me gently. “Congratulations; you found me.”

“I will always find you,” I promised, leaning down and tasting her mouth.

“And what if I don’t want to be found?” she mumbled ambiguously against my lips, licking the seam.

I groaned at the sensation. “Then you have two options: not to be found,” I pointed out with a measured tone, “or,” I continued, pulling her against my hardness and placing chaste kisses along the column of her neck, “dying from multiple orgasms. Your choice.”

Lucy scraped her nails down the length of my back before she cupped my ass firmly. “When you put it that way, Mr. Stanley…death sounds preferrable.”

I took my time nibbling and tasting my way down her neck to her perfect breasts, taught and tantalizing. Lucy pressed her palms behind her, flat against the tile, opening herself up to me, offering me everything.

It didn’t matter that I was hard as a rock, steeling myself to hold out. All that mattered right now was Lucy and pleasing her.

Her breath sliced through the humid air when I backed her completely against the cool tiled wall. “That could be a wall of ice and I wouldn’t care,” she hissed. “Just don’t stop what you’re doing.”

When I slid my hands down and away from her chest, I stopped. Momentarily. I had to stifle the laughter that was bubbling up. At first her eyebrows drew together in confusion, then anger flashed across her features.

“You’re not pouting are you…?” I goaded, good-naturedly.

She didn’t answer with words, but instead hooked her heel behind my knee. My left hand went to her possessive leg, adjusting it for better leverage.

Lucy began to pant when my other hand slid between her thighs while I stroked, circled and explored.

If it was hot in here before, it was quickly becoming an inferno.

“So. Good.” She inhaled. “You. Feel.” Lucy’s head rolled to the side, unable to complete a coherent thought. She didn’t care. She didn’t have the focus to. She was lost to what I was doing to her, what I was giving her. She was completely in the moment and I had never felt more skilled in my endeavors.

“You good?” I asked when I felt her leg wobble.

“You’re inside me, so yes,” she clipped.

We locked eyes. The ever-present aqua tone turned pale and clear like the white-hot licks of a flame.

“Let go, Luce.”

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