Page 7 of Culture Shock

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“Yes, thank you,” I told him. “He’s persistent, that one.” I tried sounding lighthearted, wanting to make a joke of it.

“Well, now he’ll be abannedpersistent one. That behavior is never acceptable.” He offered me a smile and it took my breath away. Like,literally.Straight white teeth shone from behind his lips that were equal parts plump and enviously bow shaped at the top. Tiny lines at the corner of his eyes gave him a rugged quality on an otherwise gorgeous face. In that moment, I couldn’t recall ever seeing a man as attractive as him.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” he pressed.

Snapping out of it, I offered a speedyyes. And then I grew self-conscious. “Do I look that bad?” I scoffed, referring to the incident, tucking my hair behind my ear self-consciously.

His smile was back. The first one must’ve been a preview because the one he was sporting currently had enough sex appeal to make me offer to bear his children. Maybe even a whole brood of them.

“Not at all; quite the contrary actually…” He hesitated before saying, “It’s just that you’re shifting from foot to foot and look a little…antsy?” His gaze dropped to my erratic Riverdance footwork.

I rolled my eyes. “Oh!” I exclaimed, hitting my forehead with the heel of my hand. “I was trying to find a bathroom when that dude decided to play games.” And then if admitting I had to pee in front of this attractive man wasn’t enough, I kept going. “You know, ’cause it’s all fun and games until someone pees their pants!” I snorted, evidently a little too enthusiastically because he raised his eyebrows at my gusto.

“Well, it so happens I know where a perfectly suitable restroom is,” he commented, leaning past me to press the elevator button. “And I promise, I won’t subject you to role playing.” He winked and I wasn’t sure if he had intended to be ambiguous, but I found myself secretly hoping he meant the alternative, naughtier version.

“So long as I don’t have to navigate another labyrinth to get back to Hall H. This place is ridiculously large,” I rambled, throwing my arms widely to emphasize my point. “And there’s so many people and it’s just crazy. My sister works here,” I continued, as he politely listened. “Well, notherehere, but for this con thing. I have no idea what it even is, but here I am granting her wish to hold her hand for the day…” I went on to tell him why I ended up at the convention in the first place and by the time I was done with my verbal diarrhea, he was standing against the hand rail, fists shoved in his pockets regarding me with a dubious look.

Or it could have been curiosity. Or perhaps even amusement. Or maybe he just wanted to flee.

When I stopped talking, the doors opened and he ushered me out. I followed the new stranger, all my hope clinging to the fact that within minutes I would find relief.

We rounded the corner where I saw the little white restroom figures finally.

“Be right back!” I called, racing towards the door like I was Seabiscuit on my final lap.

When I finished and was washing my hands, I looked at myself in the mirror and laughed.Be right back? Why did I say that? It’s not likely he would be waiting for me. Why would he?

But when I exited, he was casually leaning on the wall, the sole of one boot pressed against it. He was scrolling on his phone and the way his navy tee stretched across his chest made me do a double take.

It was so broad.

And defined.

And the sleeves clung to hisrelaxedbiceps like a sloth to a tree.

Now that I was back in the hallway, opposite him, I lifted my arms in a triumphant gesture and rejoiced. “Woooo! Well, this girl feels a hell of a lot better!”

He smirked wryly. “Well, your eyes aren’t yellow anymore,” he observed.

“Gross. I had to go, but notthatbad,” I lobbed back. Ok, Ididhave to go that bad.

He bowed slightly, relenting. “I have to be in Hall H in ten. Do you mind if we go back together?”

“If you don’t mind, that’d be the bee’s knees,” I told him.

At that, he laughed. A deep, genuine laugh. His brows tilted down at the outer corners, creating a line in his forehead. It made me laugh as well, feeling flirty and like I had redeemed myself somehow from my earlier awkward diatribe.

On the elevator ride down, we made small talk; I made a conscious effort not to monopolize the conversation and I was happy I didn’t. I rather liked his voice. It was deep, but not overtly so and he had this kind of quality about him that was just relaxed and easy. Kind of like we might have known each other in another life, or at least were separated by only one degree of Kevin Bacon, not six.

I had been so engrossed with our chit chat, that I hadn’t noticed when we returned to the backstage area.

“Listen,” he started, Headphone Man coming up to him. “I, uh, had fun…” he trailed off, distracted.

Smiling like an idiot, I reciprocated the sentiment.

Ditto, dude. Keeping my finger guns locked away was a painful effort.

Just then, a tall blonde guy in board shorts and a tee came up behind him, giving him a bear hug and a noogie. “There you are! Ready to do this?”

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