Page 54 of Culture Shock

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Our only contact point was our mouths. Our shared breath. Gentle nibbles. Tender toying of tongues. And eventually our identical exhalations when we pulled apart.

As quickly as it began, it was over. The familiar ding of the elevator indicating we’d reached the seventh floor sounded above, echoing in the tiny space.

We were both a little love-drunk, high on lust and serotonin. I was struggling to remember what our objective had been. Lucy grazed her bottom lip with a polished fingertip, removing it long enough to coil her finger in acome heremotion.

And like a smitten man, I followed.

The hallway was empty except the two of us.

Lucy turned suddenly to me. “Now that we’re here, I hadn’t much thought beyond that.” She ran her toe across the diamond pattern of the carpet while she smiled softly. “I got a little distracted…”

“Are you saying I swayed your thought process?” I quirked a brow, waiting her for her reply.

“A bit.” Her eyes went back to her toe. I’d never known Lucy to be shy, but as peculiar as it was, it was just as endearing.

“I’ve got an idea,” I voiced, hoping to put her at ease. “Ever play Ding Dong Ditch?”

A coy smile changed her expression from coquettish to devious.

“Not since junior high!” she squealed.

“Then it’s settled. A night of debauchery, it is!”

“Shhh, I hear someone coming,” she whispered, which was not a whisper in the slightest.

Once off the elevators, you had to walk about six feet forward to the actual hallway where you would go left or right to the rooms. We had gone to the right. Someone was now going down the hall in the opposite direction.

“Quick!” Lucy grabbed a hold of my shirt, fisting it tightly, urging me to meet her halfway.

Spinning her until my back was to the person, I slid my lips against hers. Our mouths parted, each seeking a deeper connection.

A small whimper came from her, but I swallowed it, wanting to keep our charade discreet. Lucy, on the other hand, had other ideas.

“God, you’re amazing at kissing. Anyone ever tell you that?” She broke our embrace apparently to tell me.

“No one as enthusiastic as you,” I admitted.

She shrugged. “Give credit where credit is due, I always say. Now, let’s go fuck with my sister,” she dictated.

“Should I be worried, or is this just a case ofno one messes with my sibling but me?” I trailed after her, the two of us going down the hall on the left now.

Lucy gave me a non-committal look over her shoulder. “Maybe a little of both?”

E’s room turned out to be at the very end of the hall, in the furthest reaches of the hotel. If she were in a castle, it would be equivalent to the unreachable tower where a princess was being held captive.

As we approached the door which was in its own alcove, Lucy began to tiptoe with her arms slightly raised and hands bent down at the wrists. She looked like Tom going after Jerry.

Turning back to me, she indicated that she was going for it.

She raised her hand and made three staccato raps under the peephole.

And then we booked it out of there like a fire had been lit under our asses. We stopped when we came around the corner and used the ninety-degree angle to peer around.

Sleuthing was not in my future.

Lucy was in a fit of giggles, silently shaking against me. Perhaps ‘silent’ wasn’t the correct term. More like ‘attempted silence’. Regardless, it was hard not to share in the laughter with adrenaline and a sense of immature shenanigans abounding.

When the door finally opened, though, Lucy and I sobered. Laughter was extinguished and we both froze in place.

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