Page 5 of Culture Shock

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Before me, there were numerous white pop-up tents. Camping chairs were everywhere. And people had parked their butts in them, enjoying the shade the tents provided while they waited.


How early had they gotten here? Had they camped overnight? For what?

I couldn’t think of anything worth camping out overnight for.

Well, pizza. Yeah, I’d consider camping out for pizza. Or candy.

My cheeks filled with an inhaled breath before I blew it out in an exaggerated puff.

Go to Hall H, she said.Easy enough,I foolishly thought at the time.

I pulled out my phone and authoritatively tapped out another text. I just hoped she’d be able to respond this time.

Lucy:Uh, WTF are you? Hall H is ridic. It’d be easier to navigate an airport for a connecting flight on Christmas Eve

Luckily, the little bubbles appeared and I got an answer.Finally!

E:Follow the line to the front. I’ll meet you

It would be impossible to pass through the crowd of people. There were too many and if I were them, I wouldn’t let a straggler like me pass.

But there were metal gates like you’d see at sporting venues or concerts, so I followed them from the outside as nonchalantly as possible, hoping to draw zero attention to myself.

If one thing was certain, these folks were passionate about their fandoms and I did not want to get caught in their crosshairs. Or sword swings. Or black holes, as it were. I’d have to ask E what that was all about…

Eventually I came to the double glass doors and thankfully—thankfully!—E was waiting for me.

“Oh my god, it took you long enough,” she seethed. “She’s with me,” E informed the doorman, flashing her badge, which actually was pretty cool.

Shimmying my way around the barricade, I followed my sister inside.

“Slow down would ya?” I called after her. It was rather impressive, if I’m being honest, though. She was booking it like her ass was on fire. E was wearing a darling patterned blouse with her favorite pair of cigarette pants and speed walking in patent leather stilettos. If running in heels were ever an Olympic sport, she would take the gold. My calves would protest for days if I did that.

She led me through another set of gates and as I looked around, it appeared we were hugging the perimeter of the interior. We were also behind ugly blue curtains. A lot of them. And then a stage came into view.

There was a modern white leather sofa in the center with two overstuffed chairs to its left. Two large flat screens were on either side of the stage, currently displaying what looked like a movie title.

Before I could get a better look at the setup, we ducked backstage. A photographer was there along with two women who looked and smelled like money. They were stunning. There were also a handful of beefy men hiding in the shadows with earpieces.

Ohhh, these women must be celebrities!

Stage lights began to flash and music started playing. Some dude with a headset and battery pack came out of nowhere and handed E a microphone.

Turning to me, she whispered, “Stay here and don’t move. I’m on in thirty seconds and I don’t want to have to go searching for you later.”

I wasn’t a child. Rude.

I had a slew of rebuttals, but she had taken the two steps up to the stage and clicked her microphone on, leaving me in the dust.Typical.

A collective cheer came from the audience, which I hadn’t even noticed until now, and there she was, introducing the upcoming guests and getting the crowd pumped.

“And the two leading ladies you’ve all been waiting for…” she hyped, much to the delight of everyone. Calling their names, the two lookers took to the stage, arms waving before they each were handed their own mics.

There was a tiny break in the curtain I was hiding behind and I used the opportunity to peek out. Holy shit! There were at least a thousand people standing and cheering for the two women.

I wondered what that would feel like, to have adoring fans, camped out waiting to catch a glimpse of you. Probably scary as fuck.

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