Page 42 of Culture Shock

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Or maybe I had grown immune to it.

Either way, I was a little tired and having to be at the airport by 5:30AM wasn’t helping.

My period had started a little over a day ago and even though it was perpetually light in nature, it wiped me out. Especially on the infamous second day.

Day one was all about settling into the idea that you were not alone—Aunt Flo had come and she was taking up residence for three or four days.

Day two was what I liked to call the sneak attack. Where day one lulled you into a sense ofhey girl, you got this, it won’t be that bad,day two was more likejust kidding—I’m here to fuck shit up.The remaining days were all about disaster control.

Perhaps I could catch a catnap on the way up. Pulling out my phone, I checked the itinerary and was irked to see that the flight was more like a puddle jumper: a whole whopping hour.

That meant that we wouldn’t even hit the full altitude before descending; we’d beglidinginto Seattle.

Thankfully, I was by myself. E had flown out yesterday with the other PR staff. And Jake?

Who was I kidding? He was a mega movie star; he certainly wouldn’t be a) flying commercial and b) arriving in town on a Tuesday. I’m sure he had other engagements that tied him up earlier in the week and people needing him for various publicity and whatnot.

Pushing the thought out of my mind for the time being, I tucked into my hazelnut latté, sipping it like it was liquid gold.

The flight had been closer to fifty minutes. (No napping occurred if you were wondering).

I spotted the colorful Betsy Johnson luggage tag on my suitcase as it made its way toward me at baggage claim. I was glad to see it finally. If I had to wait any longer, I’d have peed my pants.

Yes, I know. Another bladder fiasco.

There was no way I could hold it until I made it into the city and got to my hotel, so I began desperately looking for a restroom.

“Lucy? Lucy is that you?” came a voice from my right.

Turning to look, I was shocked to see my friend Beth. “Oh my god, hi! What are you doing here?” I didn’t mean for my question to come out like this was my airport and how dare she be here, but I was taken a little by surprise.

“Frannie and I just got in from visiting my in-laws in Denver,” she explained, nodding toward her adorable daughter.

Crouching down, I booped Frannie on the nose. “And the last time I saw you, little miss, you were like, two. How old are you now? Don’t tell me,” I pleaded, putting my hand over my forehead dramatically, “you’re sixteen and you just got your license.”

Beth smiled while Frannie giggled. “I’m four now,” she stated proudly, holding up five fingers.

“Honey, that’s five fingers, not four,” Beth gently corrected. She began looking towards baggage claim a little frantically.

She also looked like a mom that was a tad frazzled. I couldn’t imagine flying with a kid. Shit, I was bad enough by myself.

“Everything ok?” I asked Beth.

She tucked her hair behind her ear and readjusted the Moana backpack she was carrying for Frannie along with a stuffed doll, a shopping bag and her own purse.

“Why don’t you let me watch her while you wait for your luggage,” I suggested. Frannie was a cool kid and I had plenty of time to get to the hotel. Like, a whole day and a half in fact.

Beth hesitated but I cut her off. “Go. It’s fine; Frannie and I can catch up on girl talk.” She mouthed a thank you as she ran-walked to the carousel.

Before I could ask Frannie what she had been up to over the summer, she squeaked, “I have to go to the bathroom.”

Hell yeah! Killing two birds with one stone. Plus, I’d be taking care of one less thing for Beth to have to juggle on her own.

“You know what, kid, I do too. Shall we?” I offered, holding my hand for her to take.

She tittered. “You’re funny, Lucy.” Her voice was so sweet and tiny it made me just want to scoop her up and squeeze her.

There was a small line in the women’s restroom as always. It was our turn next and when the handicapped stall became available, I pounced on the opportunity like I had just found a Little Debbie oatmeal cream cookie. Which reminded me…I was hungry.

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