Page 30 of The Guardian

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Pulling his spare T-shirt from beneath the plaid, he held it out to her. “They’ve a wee laundry facility behind the office, so if ye want tae slip this on and give me yer soiled stuff, I’ll toss ’em in wi’ mine. In the meantime, ye can get a wee bit o’ sleep.”

“While you stay up and do my laundry?” she protested, taking the shirt.

He grinned at her. “ ’Twill be a mite chilly for ye tae do it in naught but my wolf shirt. Unless ye’d like tae wrap up in my tartan?”

“And you would wear…?” she raised an eyebrow.

Marcus shrugged and grinned. “I dinnae ken I’d look nearly as fetchin’ injustthat T-shirt as ye.”

“Fine,” she agreed. “But you need some sleep too, if you’re going to keep driving.”

“Aye. I’ll join ye in a bit.” He tossed his plaid on the bed and reached for the hem of his T-shirt. “I want tae put our laundry in first.”

The ripple of smooth skin over thick muscle caught Tait’s attention as Marcus pulled the shirt up over his head. Though she admired what she was seeing, she hadn’t intended to stare. But as he turned to toss the shirt aside, she saw the ridged scar of what must have been a massive wound, just below his shoulder blade

At her gasp, Marcus turned to look at her. “What is it, lass?”

Before she could respond, understanding crossed his features. “Forgive me. I forget ’tis there. I shouldnae have taken off my shirt.”

“No, Marcus. I’m the one who’s sorry,” she mumbled, feeling warmth suffuse her cheeks. “I was just…surprised, that’s all. It…must have caused you great pain.”

Moving toward him, she rested her hand on his arm where solid muscle met her touch. “Will you tell me about it? How did it happen? When?”

“Scotland,” he murmured, watching her face. “A verra long time ago.”

She moved closer, her eyes locked on his. “How?”

His gaze dropped to her mouth. “ ’Tisnae that I’m no’ willin’ tae talk about it. But ’tis a long story, better told when ye havnae so much on yer mind, already.” He gently smoothed his thumb across her brow. “We’ll worry about the past after we settle the present.”

Sliding her hands over his bare chest she linked her fingers behind his neck and lifted her face to his. “The present has my complete attention.”

He leaned down and brushed his lips across hers. “Just where I like it.”

Chapter 13

Marcus’ kiss was gentle, teasing, persuasive. Perhaps they were both using the kiss to say what neither of them seemed able to say with words. What they had no right to say. Not yet, anyway.

Tait leaned into him, surrendering her mouth as well as her heart. There was no use denying it already belonged to him.

When the kiss ended, he rested his forehead against hers, still holding her close. “Tait, I need ye tae ken—”

“No,” she whispered. “Please don’t say anything. Not yet. Not until I’m free of all this.” She leaned back to look at him. “Once I’mtrulyfree whatever we say to one another will have the weight of truth behind it. Now, we can’t know if it’s just…” she looked down, focusing on the heartbeat pulsing at his throat, and shrugged.

He scowled. “Ye doubt me then?”

“Never!” Her gaze shot back to his. “I just want whatever is between us to beaboutus. Not my fear or your need to save me, or even my desperate yearning for a future with you. If there’s going to be anus,I want to start clean. Fresh. No past promises, declarations or expectations hanging over our heads. Whatever we want or feel by then, we’ll be able to trust. Does that make sense?”

He sighed and moved his hands to either side of her throat, stroking her jawline with his thumbs as he touched his lips to the spot between her brows, and pressed another to her mouth. “Aye, lass. But ’twillnae change.”

Sliding his hands down her neck, he paused over the chain of her necklace, his brows knotted. “Ever since we talked about yer locket I cannae shake the feelin’ it must have somethin’ tae do with why ye’re being chased. The fuss Luca made over it doesnae feel right. Would ye be willin’ tae take it off long enough for us tae have a look at it?”

Her hand automatically went to the locket before she caught herself. “Of course.” She turned, raising her curls out of the way to give him access to the clasp. “But what are we looking for?”

“I’m no’ sure.” After unhooking it, he let the locket and chain pool in his hand before holding it out to her. “But since ’tis the only thing in yer possession—besides what ye’re carryin’ in yer pretty head—we should have a look.”

She shook her head, holding up her palm. “I trust you with it, Marcus.”

“Over here, then.” He tipped his head toward the table where the lamp above it illuminated a small circle. “Let’s see what there is tae see.”
