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My hand is encased in Bryce’s strong grip and the familiarity of it all is bringing me both comfort and excitement. I glance over to where Juliet is still standing with Fitzy. I don’t know where Caroline went, but I’m sure she wasn’t happy to see the scene that went down between Bryce and I. Fitzy has a wide satisfied smile on her face, while Juliet looks conflicted. She looks excited, but also apprehensive. I can understand that. She’s always been my biggest cheerleader and my protector. She also loves her brother. She doesn’t want to see either of us hurt.

Instead of focusing on my best friend’s concern, I Keep my gaze on Bryce’s strong back as he leads me through the party. I watch the way his muscles ripple under his suit jacket, and the way it clings tightly to his shoulders. Everything’s happening so quickly, yet I’m not scared or concerned. I want this. For the first time in a year I’m allowing myself to admit it. I want this, I want him. I’m not going to pretend like what he did is okay, but I will admit that it’s better than him actually cheating on me. I’m not surprised that Natalia made me believe that it really did happen, but that fact that Bryce allowed me to believe it is what stings the most.

I shake those thoughts away, wanting to live in this moment as we weave through the crowd of glitz and glamor.

It only takes us a couple minutes until we reach his apartment and he’s unlocking the door and pulling me inside. The moment the door is slammed shut behind us, Bryce has me pinned to the wall and my breathing begins to come out in heavy pants when I see the dark look of desire in his eyes.

I open my mouth to say something, but before I can get a word out, his lips are on mine. They crash together and before I can process what’s happening, we’re nothing but a blur of teeth and tongue, and hands everywhere.

“Fuck, Morgan.” Bryce grits out against my lips. “This dress.” His hand grips the bottom hem of my dress while the other rests against the hem at my cleavage. “This fucking dress has been torturing me all fucking night. Your body is perfection and I hated knowing that every man at that party was lusting after you and picturing themselves ripping it from your body.”

I want to argue with him on that matter, but he grazes his teeth down my neck and all words are lost on my lips. I let out a long needy moan, which only seems to spur him on. He bites down at the junction between my neck and shoulder as he grinds his hips against me, showing me just how much he wants me right now.

“Bryce,” I breathe out.

“Fuck!” He pulls back, letting me see his face. Though he’s encased in shadows, I can still see the desire that’s taking over his features. “I’ve been dying to hear my name on your lips for so long now, baby. It’s my favorite sound in the entire world.” He leans in and kisses me again, it’s a rough, punishing kiss and I cling to his shoulders, desperately needing something to hold onto. Bryce’s tongue demands entry into my mouth and I willingly, eagerly, comply. He bites down roughly on my lip and stars dance in my vision and I let out another groan of need.

When Bryce rips his mouth from mine, I whine in protest. That is until he drops down to his knees without any preemptive and slides my dress up over my hips.

“I need you, Morgan. I need to taste you.” I go to lift my leg to help him remove my underwear, but before I get the chance, I hear a loud tear and then an assault of cool air hits me. I’m about to yell at him for ripping it, when he could have just slid them down, but before I get the chance he dives right in. Bryce lifts my right leg, resting it on his shoulder and uses his thumbs to open me for him, giving him access to lick up one side to the other. His tongue flicks at my clit, and I throw my head back as my vision becomes hazy and non-sense leaves my mouth. My hands fly to his hair and grips tightly as Bryce continues licking and sucking and biting. When he slides a single finger in, I cry out his name. The different sensations cause my legs to quiver and if it wasn’t for him using his strength to hold me up, I know I would fall to the ground in a puddle of need. He keeps going, giving me everything I didn’t even know I needed. And when he adds a second finger and curls them forward, hitting me in just the right spot. That, combined with him biting down just right on my clit, Stars dance behind my eyelids and I completely come undone.

It takes a couple minutes for my body to calm down, and only then does Bryce lower my leg to the ground and stand back up. His gaze is laser focused on me if I thought there was desire in his eyes before, now it’s pure lust and need. He grips onto the side of my neck and kisses me. When his tongue slides in my mouth, I can taste myself on him and it’s possibly the sexiest thing I’ve ever tasted.

Without breaking the kiss, he grips my hips and lifts me off the ground as if I weigh nothing. I’ve never been the kind of woman who needed to feel small or fragile. I’ve always had a body, and curves that went with it. But being with Bryce, somehow has always made me feel more feminine. Maybe because he’s the first I’v ever been with who truly enjoyed my body. We’ve never had sex before, but we did plenty that showed me how much he like my curves. Whatever the reason, it’s always been a heady feeling and something I could easily grow accustomed to.

When we get to his bedroom, I expect him to toss me on his bed and be just as rough with me in here as he was in the doorway. But to my surprise, Bryce gently sets me down on his bed and looks at me with a new kind of softness. This isn’t the same look he gave me before he went down on me. This is a look of lust and desire, but with a blanket of something else, something more. Love.

He crawls over me on the bed, kissing his way up my body. My dress is still on, but it’s as if he doesn’t care. He kisses me through the thin material, and somehow the heat from his mouth still sears my skin. He licks a path across my chest before gliding his tongue up my neck and across my jaw, then kissing me slowly and sensually.

“I’ve missed you so much, baby.” There’s an emotion in his voice that causes my chest to warm and I can feel my throat tightening with emotion.

“I’ve missed you too.”

He kisses me again, as his hands roam over my body. I’m about to suggest we lose our clothes when once again, I hear a loud rip and my entire body becomes exposed. I can’t help the gasp that escapes, especially when Bryce looks at me with a bright, satisfied smile on his face.

“Did you just rip my dress!?”



The look of appallment on Morgan’s face would have me laughing my ass off, if I wasn’t so damn turned on right now. Her entire body is flushed pink and she’s practically trembling with need and desire. I’ve dreamed of this moment happening between us for so long, and over the past year I’ve managed to convince myself that it would never happen. Now, having her here, under me, needy for me. It’s a big deal. It’s a gift that I won’t take for granted. Not ever again.

“Yep.” It’s the only answer I give her as I climb off the bed and slowly begin to remove my own clothes. I can see the war in her eyes. She wants to be angry. A part of her may even want to leave. But she doesn’t. I have no doubt that dress was expensive, but if that’s the issue, then I’ll buy her a new one. Hell, I’ll buy her a million dresses if it means I can rip them off of her body, because that was fucking hot.

“Jules bought me that dress.” There’s not a lot of conviction behind her words, but I don’t want to be a total jackass.

“I’ll pay her back, and buy you a new one.” Her lips part, and I know she’s about to say something, but she suddenly stops. Her eyes are focused on my chest and stomach as I unbutton my shirt. I slow my pace just to tease her, but when a look of impatience crosses her features, I decide I don’t want to press my luck and move quicker. Once I’m out of my clothes, I take a moment to really admire the woman laying before me.

Morgan’s perfect curves are on display as her hair is fanned out on my pillow making her almost look like an angel. Though she may look like an angel, her body was made for sin. Her eyes roam over my body the way mine are hers, and when her gaze zeroes in on my dick, that’s ready to fucking explode, I can’t hold back any longer.

Unlike when we first walked into my apartment, I have every intention of taking things slow and savoring this next step. I’ve been with women. Plenty of women if I’m being honest. But I’ve never been with Morgan, not like this, and I know that it’s going to be a completely different experience. I climb on the bed, one knee at a time. Then I grab old of one of her shapely legs, placing kisses from the ankle and creating a path up her calf and thigh until I reach her upper thigh enticingly close to where I was just a few minutes ago. I stop, gently placing her leg back on the mattress and reach for her other one. I watch for a moment and her chest rises and falls with quick pace. Her eyes are closed tight and her lips slightly parted and as soft breaths escape in huffs. I repeat my path on this leg before dropping it back down and kissing from one hip bone to the other. I have no intention of leaving any part of this woman untouched or unkissed tonight. I create a path up her stomach and when I reach her perfect chest, I give each of her voluptuous tits the attention they both deserve. I relish the sounds falling from Morgan’s lips as I kiss and suck and bite.

“Bryce, please.” I skim my nose over her collarbone and up her neck before placing my lips next to her ear.

“What do you need, baby? Tell me what you need and you’ll have it.”

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