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I shake my head, my mind still reeling from the fact that he knows the truth. “She can do better than me.”

“You’re right,” he responds quickly, and I try not to take it too personally. “She can do better than you. But just because she can, doesn’t mean she wants to. She chose you, Bryce. And you’d just be doing the both of you a disservice if you didn’t at least try to set the record straight and give the two of you a fighting chance.”

Before I even have the chance to allow my brain to compute everything dad just said to me, he walks away leaving me completely dumbfounded. I already knew he was right, but I can’t seem to get my damn thoughts straight. I want Morgan. Hell, I love Morgan and I want to be with her. But I also know just how hard being with me can be. I don’t know if she ever actually saw the article that was printed about us, but the last thing I ever want is for her to have to go through that kind of humiliation again.

I turn back to the entrance, but Morgan and Juliet are no longer near it. My eyes surf over the sea of people, squinting slightly from the bright, glittering lights. I begin to walk through the crowd, searching every face I see, looking for the only one I actually want to see. I’m pulled into a few conversations and start a couple myself since I know I’m technically here to work and to make our clients feel appreciated. It’s another twenty minutes before I make to the other side of the party and the moment I do, my attention is immediately drawn to the bar when Morgan is standing, in the sexiest fucking dress I’ve ever seen in my life. She throws her head back and laughs at something, making her entire body light up with excitement. It’s only then that I allow my gaze to slide to the person she’s talking to, and unfortunately it’s not my sister. Nope. Morgan is sipping on a glass of champagne and talking to some with dark hair that’s pulled back into a neatly kept bun. They’re both smiling at each other from ear-to-ear and it doesn’t take a genius to see the interest in Morgan’s body language.Fuck.



Ishould be feeling…somethingright now. This guy is absolutely gorgeous and as far as I can tell, incredibly nice. There should be some sort of internal reaction to his attractiveness and attentiveness. But there’s nothing. All I can seem to focus on is keeping my gaze right here so I don’t accidentally end up staring at Bryce.

“So, can I get you another?” The guy I’m talking to, Deacon, motions to my empty champagne glass and I quickly nod. I don’t usually drink this much, but I knew when I arrived that the only way I would manage to get through this night is with a lot of help from my good friend Dom.

Deacon gives me an incredibly sexy smile, though it does seem to be lacking something. I can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s a genuine smile, but not at the same time. He motions for the bartender and within a minute he’s being handed a fresh glass. He turns back to me, handing me the glass, though I don’t miss the way his gaze keeps flicking to the other side of the pool. When I follow his line of sight, my breath practically stalls in my lungs. If I thought Deacon was attractive with his hair pulled back into a neat bun and the casual suit hugging his body perfectly, the man staring back at him is downright sinful. I’ve been a sucker for the more clean cut look, and this guy is rocking that look beautifully. With his short dark hair and even darker gaze. The suit he’s wearing is a lot more refined than what Deacon is wearing, but it doesn’t look ostentatious in the least.

My attention draws back to the man next to me, who’s smirking into his glass as he slowly pulls his eyes from the other man. I’m not sure what that’s all about, but I suddenly feel as if I’m intruding on an intimate moment.

Thankfully, it’s that moment that Fitzy, the owner of the complex and town’s resident busy-body decides to make her way over. Apparently Deacon has some sense of self-preservation, because he quickly excuses himself with one last smile before practically sprinting away. I don’t blame the man. Fitzy is one of the kindest, most generous people I know. But her favorite past-time besides hosting parties is meddling in everyone’s business. It’s exhausting.

“Oh Morgan, you look lovely!” A genuine smile tugs at my lips because Fitzy really is one of my favorite people. She comes into my shop regularly and she’s often on my mind any time I’m making new products or thinking about new consignment offers. She has a unique style, and I love that about her.

“Thank you-” I barely get the words out before Juliet’s aunt Caroline comes over, and a sense of dread washes over me. As much as I love Juliet’s parents and even grandparents, I genuinely cannot stand the rest of her family.

“Morgan, dear, you look… nice.” I force back my eyeroll, because unlike Fitzy’s compliment to me, this one lacks any genuine truth and warmth.

“Doesn’t she?” Fitzy jumps in and I swear I could kiss her. “I was just telling her how incredible this dress looks on her. Bryce can eat his heart out.” My smile threatens to falter for a moment, but I manage to maintain my confidence. That is until I see Caroline’s fake pitying look as she clicks her tongue and shakes her head. Caroline never liked the idea of Bryce and I together. No one knows it, but last year, I overheard a conversation she was having with someone, telling them how pathetic it was that I thought I would be able to hold onto a man like Bryce. At the moment, I didn’t agree with her. I was so confident that Bryce really was in love with me, that I just ignored everything she was saying.

“It really is a shame that things didn’t work out between the two of you. But it’s for the better, really. He and Natalia are just the most beautiful couple.” Bile begins to form in my throat as she keeps talking. I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised that Bryce and Natalia are together now. Juliet never said anything, but we don’t talk about her brother all that much. I figured it was always to protect me, now I know that really is the reason. “I’m just waiting for the wedding announcement-”

“Oh please!” Fitzy interrupts Caroline’s inconsiderate ramblings. “You know damn well that Bryce and Natalia aren’t together. The little harlot ran off to New York to be with that Wall Street guy she tricked into dating her eight months ago.”

My body freezes and my mind begins to race with the knowledge Fitzy just dropped. I knew Natalia moved not long after Bryce did. Again, I tried not to think too much of it at the time, assuming that they were together, but not confirming it.

“Well,” Caroline tries to speak some more, but Fitzy stops her again.

“Bryce and Natalia were never even together and you know as well as I do that he never cheated either. It was a misunderstanding that was made worse by you.”

I watch in complete awe as Caroline opens and closes her mouth over and over, making her look like a confused and lost fish. As entertaining as it would normally, I’m too laser focused on the revelation that pretty much just rocked my world.

I open my mouth to ask for clarification, because there’s no way I heard her correctly. If Bryce never actually cheated on me, then why didn’t he say something? Why didn’t he come after me and tell me the truth? Why did he let me leave that night? But before I can manage to get my mouth to form the words, we’re interrupted by my best friend.

“Everything okay over here?” Caroline quickly nods her head and gives Jules a fake smile. I want to say something, to ask if everything Fitzy just said is true, but I still can’t seem to form words. I slowly move my gaze to Juliet who’s looking at me with concern written all over her face. “Morg?”

As if he’s summoning me, my eyes move to the other side of the pool, finding Bryce staring right at me. I’m locked in his intense gaze, no way to escape as every nerve cell in my body comes alive with need and desire. Without a word to the three other women with me, my legs begins moving on their own volition toward the man who’s deep brown eyes are holding me hostage. And for the first time in a long time, I don’t think I mind.



Itrack Morgan as she makes her way through the glittering crowd, her gaze holding mine in a way I’ve longed for for the past year. I’m mesmerized by the way the lacey black dress is clinging to her curves in the most enticing way. The dress is unlike anything I’ve seen her wear before. In the past, she always chose things that were slightly looser, especially around her waist and hips. But this dress. This dress accentuates every single one of her perfect features. Her wide, gripable hips. Her thighs, that are just begging to be wrapped around me. And the way her cleavage is practically spilling out of the low cut front has me salivating to taste her. Every inch of her.

Morgan walks to me slowly, but with purpose, and I can’t help but wonder what exactly the conversation she was having with my aunt and Fitzy just entailed. There’s a new kind of determination in her eyes as she draws closer and I realize that I’m holding my breath, completely unsure about what’s going to happen.

“Why did you let me believe it?” The first words out of Morgan’s mouth has my body stilling and my gaze cutting back across the pool to where Juliet is looking back at us with wide concerned eyes, Fitzy is wearing a smirk that clearly says she was hoping this would happen, and Caroline just looks downright annoyed. I ignore all three of them, knowing that the only woman that should have my attention right now is standing right in front of me.

“Because I thought it would be best for you.” My excuse sounds even more stupid now when I say it out loud. Dad was right, I’ve been miserable the past year and it’s obvious that me playing the martyr only hurt both of us more.

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